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Significantly reducing boilerplate code of BLoC pattern to efficiently handle API interactions.

Api BLoC #

A Flutter library for managing API calls using the BLoC pattern. This library provides a set of classes and utilities to simplify API calls and manage state changes.

Features #

  • Easily manage API calls and state changes using the BLoC pattern.
  • Generic classes for handling various API states such as loading, success, and error.
  • Customizable builder and listener functions to respond to state changes.
  • Automatic disposal of the controller to prevent memory leaks.
  • Generate api bloc pattern on command.

Readting Started #

To use this library, add api_bloc as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  api_bloc: ^2.0.0

and to use api_bloc_cli run this command in terminal.

dart pub global activate api_bloc

Generating Api Bloc Structure (Optional) #

To make things faster on, let's say making GET detail and GET list also PUT update, POST create and DELETE using this library, we just need to run this command in terminal.

dart run api_bloc --output lib/src --create user --read detail,list --write update,create,delete

It will generating this structure in your project

   - user.dart
   - controllers/
     - read_user_detail_controller.dart
     - read_user_list_controller.dart
     - write_user_update_controller.dart
     - write_user_create_controller.dart
     - write_user_delete_controller.dart
   - models/
     - read_user_detail_model.dart
     - read_user_list_model.dart
     - write_user_update_model.dart
     - write_user_create_model.dart
     - write_user_delete_model.dart
   - views/
     - read_user_detail_widget.dart
     - read_user_list_widget.dart
     - write_user_update_widget.dart
     - write_user_create_widget.dart
     - write_user_delete_widget.dart

Now the things that left to do is writing the content of the controllers, widgets and models.

Fetching Scenario #

import 'package:api_bloc/api_bloc.dart';

class ReadUserController extends ReadController {
  Future<void> onRequest(Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
    final response = await Dio().get('https://reqres.in/api/users/2');

    final model = ReadUserModel.fromJson(response.data);
    emit(ReadSuccessState<ReadUserModel>(data: model));
  • Put the controller inside [ApiBloc] widget.
import 'package:api_bloc/api_bloc.dart';

final controller = ReadUserController();

  controller: controller,
  builder: (context, state, child) {
    if (state is ReadSuccessState<UserModel>) {
      return Text('Username: ${state.data!.username}');
    } else if (state is ReadErrorState){
      return Text('Error occurred: ${state.message}');
    } else {
      return CircularProgressIndicator();

When the first time it initiate the controller, on ReadController it's auto running the request function. But if you want to re run it, you can do it by calling


Submitting Scenario #

import 'package:api_bloc/api_bloc.dart';

class CreateUserController extends WriteController {
  // We're going to dispose it manually if we set it as false.
  bool get autoDispose => false;

  Future<void> onRequest(Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
    final response = await Dio().post('https://reqres.in/api/users/2',
        data: FormData.fromMap(args));

    if (response.statusCode == 201) {
      final model = CreateUserModel.fromJson(response.data);
      emit(WriteSuccessState<CreateUserModel>(data: model));
    } else {
      emit(WriteFailedState<Map<String, dynamic>>(
          data: response.data,
          message: "Expected response code output is 201"));
  • Put the controller inside [ApiBloc] widget.
import 'package:api_bloc/api_bloc.dart';

final controller = CreateUserController();

  controller: controller,
  listener: (context, state) {
    if (state is WriteSuccessState<CreateUserModel>) {
      snackbar(context, message: "Succesfully creating new user with id #${state.data!.id}");
    } else if (state is WriteFailedState) {
      snackbar(context, message: "Failed because ${state.message}", color: Colors.grey);
    } else if (state is WriteErrorState) {
      snackbar(context, message: state.message, color: Colors.red);
  builder: (context, state, child) {
    if (state is WriteLoadingState) {
      return TextButton(text: "Loading ...");
    }  else {
      return TextButton(text: "Create", onPressed: () => controller.run());

Unlike the ReadController, initial state of WriteController is idle state, so to run the request you need to trigger the controller.run() manually.

Using Extension #

Now you can easily customize how your ApiBloc handles different state scenarios using these new extensions:

  • onIdle: Handle WriteIdleState and only work with WriteController.
  • onLoading: Handle ReadLoadingState and only work with ReadController or WriteLoadingState that only work with WriteController.
  • onSuccess: Handle ReadSuccessState and only work with ReadController or WriteSuccessState that only work with WriteController.
  • onFailed: Handle WriteFailedState and only work with WriteController.
  • onError: Handle ReadErrorState and only work with ReadController or WriteErrorState that only work with WriteController.
import 'package:api_bloc/api_bloc.dart';

final controller = CreateUserController();

  controller: controller,
  child: TextButton(text: "Create", onPressed: () => controller.run()))
  builder: (context, state, child) {
    return TextButton(text: "Loading ...");
  listener: (context, state, child) {
    snackbar(context, message: "Failed because ${state.message}", color: Colors.grey);
  listener: (context, state, child) {
    snackbar(context, message: "Succesfully creating new user with id #${state.data!.id}");
  listener: (context, state, child) {
    snackbar(context, message: state.message, color: Colors.red);
  listener; (context, state) {
    snackbar(context, message: "You're in this custom state of ${state.runtimeType}");
  builder: (context, state, child) {
    return Text("You're in this custom state of ${state.runtimeType}");

Sentry Integration #

You can integrate this library with sentry by making custom controller like this.

abstract class ReadSentryController extends BlocController<ReadStates> {
    this.autoRun = true,
    JSON args = const {},
  }) : super(value: const ReadLoadingState()) {
    if (autoRun) run(args);

  Future<void> run([JSON args = const {}]) async {
    emit(const ReadLoadingState());
    final http = SentryHttpClient();
    try {
      await onRequest(http, args);
    } catch (e, s) {
      await onError(e, s);
    } finally {

  Future<void> onRequest(SentryHttpClient http, JSON args);

  Future<void> onError(dynamic e, StackTrace s) async {
    await Sentry.captureException(e, stackTrace: s);
    emit(ReadErrorState(message: e.toString(), data: s));

  final bool autoRun;

abstract class WriteSentryController extends BlocController<WriteStates> {
  WriteSentryController() : super(value: const WriteIdleState());

  Future<void> run([JSON args = const {}]) async {
    emit(const WriteLoadingState());
    final http = SentryHttpClient();
    try {
      await onRequest(http, args);
    } catch (e, s) {
      await onError(e, s);
    } finally {

  Future<void> onRequest(SentryHttpClient http, JSON args);

  Future<void> onError(dynamic e, StrackTrace s) async {
    await Sentry.captureException(e, stackTrace: s);
    emit(WriteErrorState(message: e.toString(), data: s));

and then whenever you want to interact with the api, you just need to make this controller:

class ReadUserRequest extends ReadSentryController {

  Future<void> onRequest(http, args) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 300));
    final response = await http.get(Uri('http://baseUrl/api/user/123'));
    emit(ReadSuccessState<UserModel>(data: UserModel.fromJSON(jsonDecode(response.body))));

Example #

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Significantly reducing boilerplate code of BLoC pattern to efficiently handle API interactions.

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