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ApexTeam flutter software development kit for ApexTeam co. Open and free for everyone to use <3
Apex Flutter Sdk #
ApexTeam flutter software development kit
Basic widgets (at components.basic) #
Flutter non-common simple widgets
- [AnimatedSwipeArrowWidget]* [CircularCheckBox]* [HoverTooltip]* [ExpandableChip] [AnimatedSwipeArrowWidget]: #animatedswipearrowwidget [CircularCheckBox]: #circularcheckbox [HoverTooltip]: #hovertooltip [ExpandableChip]: #expandablechip
AnimatedSwipeArrowWidget #
Data Type | Parameter | Details | Default value |
int | numberOfArrows | - | 5 |
TextDirection | direction | Highlight direction. | |
double | top | Position from top. | 0 |
double | left | Position from left. | 0 |
double | size | size of each icon in the widget. | 18 |
IconData | icon | Repeating icon | null |
Color | highlightColor | Blink color. | Colors.white |
Color | color | Default color. | Colors.grey |
AnimatedSwipeArrowWidget(top: 300, left: 300, size: 50, numberOfArrows: 5, icon: Icons.call)
CircularCheckBox #
value: someBooleanValue,
materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.padded,
onChanged: (bool x) { someBooleanValue = x; }
HoverTooltip #
child: Text("Child to show tooltip over it!"),
message: "Hi! It's simple moving tooltip :("
ExpandableChip #
Data Type | Parameter | Details | Default value |
Widget | child | A Widget that will be shown when on mouse hover | null |
IconData | icon | The widget's Icon | null |
Function() | onTap | The Widget's onTap Function | null |
double | shrinkSize | Default size | 35 |
double | expandedSize | Size of the widget on mouse hover | 100 |
double | iconSize | Size of the widget icon | shrinkSize / 2 |
Color | iconColor | Icon color | Theme iconTheme color |
Color | backgroundColor | Background color | Theme primaryColor |
Duration | duration | Expanding Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 200) |
Duration | showChildDuration | Show Child Duration | Duration(milliseconds: 200) |
EdgeInsets | margin | Empty space to surround the widget | null |
EdgeInsets | padding | The child and The icon, is placed inside this padding | null |
Curve | curve | An parametric animation easing curve | Curves.linear |
Matrix4 | transform | The transformation matrix to apply before painting the widget | null |
BoxBorder | border | A border to draw above the background backgroundColor or gradient | null |
List | boxShadow | A list of shadows cast by this box behind the box | null |
Gradient | gradient | A gradient to use when filling the bo | null |
icon: Icons.help_outline,
iconColor: Colors.white,
child: Text(
'Wazap nigga',
style: TextStyle( color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 15),
shrinkSize: 54,
expandedSize: 175,
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 400),
backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
onTap: () {},
Dialogs (at components.dialogs) #
PersianDatePicker #
It is the flutter datePicker with an extra boolean option called isPersian
to show shamsi (Jalali) date.
This can be used as same as flutter material datePicker. names, variables and everything are the same.
you can follow the link below to understand how it works. Flutter Material showDatePicker function
List widgets (at components.lists) #
List type widgets like chips and DataTables.
- [ChipListWidget] [ChipListWidget]: #chiplistwidget
ChipListWidget #
Data Type | Parameter | Default value |
List | children | [] |
bool | multiSelect | false |
Color | selectedColor | Theme buttonColor |
Color | disabledColor | Theme disabledColor |
Function(ChipModel chip, bool selected) | onSelect | null |
PrimitiveWrapper<List | controller | null |
- Alert: Remember you can use PrimitiveWrapper as a controller to access selected chips in the list. make sure you dispose the controller on dispose() method in your stateful widgets. (It is like TextEditingController)
Charts (at components.charts) #
Apex flutter charts with pure dart!
- [CandlesticksChart] [CandlesticksChart]: #candlestickschart
CandlesticksChart #
Data type | Parameter | Default value |
Size | chartSize | const Size(600, 300) |
int | minimumScale | 1 |
int | maximumScale | 2 |
List | data | [] |
Color | backgroundColor | const Color.fromARGB(255, 18, 32, 47) |
data: [
CandleModel(high: 85, low: 30, close: 50, open: 40, volumeTo: 1),
CandleModel(high: 90, low: 45, close: 70, open: 50, volumeTo: 2),
CandleModel(high: 95, low: 65, close: 90, open: 65, volumeTo: 3),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 35, close: 50, open: 90, volumeTo: 4),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 35, close: 50, open: 90, volumeTo: 5),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 35, close: 50, open: 90, volumeTo: 6),
CandleModel(high: 100, low: 75, close: 75, open: 80, volumeTo: 7),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 85, close: 85, open: 90, volumeTo: 8),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 85, close: 85, open: 90, volumeTo: 9),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 85, close: 85, open: 90, volumeTo: 0),
CandleModel(high: 120, low: 75, close: 80, open: 100, volumeTo: 11),
CandleModel(high: 130, low: 40, close: 50, open: 110, volumeTo: 12),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 85, close: 90, open: 90, volumeTo: 13),
CandleModel(high: 110, low: 85, close: 85, open: 90, volumeTo: 14)
minimumScale: 5,
maximumScale: 10,