ansi_escape_codes 1.3.0 copy "ansi_escape_codes: ^1.3.0" to clipboard
ansi_escape_codes: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard

Yet another package for ANSI escape codes. It differs from the others only in that it focuses on using constants rather than functions or methods.

ansi_escape_codes #

This is yet another package of many for ANSI escape codes. It differs from the others only in that it focuses on using constants rather than functions or methods.

const text = '${fgBrightGreen}Lorem$fgDefault'
    ' ${fgGreen}ipsum$fgDefault'
    ' $bgBrightBlack${fgWhite}dolor$fgDefault$bgDefault'
    ' $bgBrightWhite${fgBlack}sit$fgDefault$bgDefault'
    ' $fg256Open$highRed${fg256Close}amet$fgDefault,'
    ' ${fg256Red}consectetur$fgDefault'
    ' ${bgRgbOpen}249;105;14$bgRgbClose${fgRgbOpen}64;48;32$fgRgbClose'
    'adipiscing $invert elit,$notInverted$fgDefault$bgDefault'
    ' ${italic}sed$notItalic'
    ' do'
    ' ${bold}eiusmod$notBoldNotFaint'
    ' ${faint}tempor$notBoldNotFaint'
    ' incididunt'
    ' ${increasedIntensity}ut$normalIntensity'
    ' ${decreasedIntensity}labore$normalIntensity'
    ' ${underline}et$notUnderlined'
    ' ${strike}dolore$notStriked'
    ' ${fg256Gray10}magna$fgDefault'
    ' ${fg256Gray17}aliqua$fgDefault.';


Colors #

Standarts 16 colors #

Foreground Background
fgBlack bgBlack
fgRed bgRed
fgGreen bgGreen
fgYellow bgYellow
fgBlue bgBlue
fgMagenta bgMagenta
fgCyan bgCyan
fgWhite bgWhite
fgBrightBlack bgBrightBlack
fgBrightRed bgBrightRed
fgBrightGreen bgBrightGreen
fgBrightYellow bgBrightYellow
fgBrightBlue bgBrightBlue
fgBrightMagenta bgBrightMagenta
fgBrightCyan bgBrightCyan
fgBrightWhite bgBrightWhite

256-color table #

Templates for using a color from a 256-color table:

  • Foreground: {fg256Open}{color}{fg256Close}
  • Background: {bg256Open}{color}{bg256Close}
  • Underline: {underline256Open}{color}{underline256Close}

Where color is the color number from the 256-color table. You can use predefined values from the following table:

Number Name
0 black
1 red
2 green
3 yellow
4 blue
5 magenta
6 cyan
7 white
8 highBlack
9 highRed
10 highGreen
11 highYellow
12 highBlue
13 highMagenta
14 highCyan
15 highWhite
16-231 rgbNNN, where N are numbers from 0 to 5 (6 × 6 × 6 cube (216 colors): 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b)
232-255 grayN, where N is a number from 0 to 23 (grayscale from dark to light in 24 steps)

You don't have to use templates and take the predefined values from the following table:

Number Name
0 (fg/bg/underline)256Black
1 (fg/bg/underline)256Red
2 (fg/bg/underline)256Green
3 (fg/bg/underline)256Yellow
4 (fg/bg/underline)256Blue
5 (fg/bg/underline)256Magenta
6 (fg/bg/underline)256Cyan
7 (fg/bg/underline)256White
8 (fg/bg/underline)256HighBlack
9 (fg/bg/underline)256HighRed
10 (fg/bg/underline)256HighGreen
11 (fg/bg/underline)256HighYellow
12 (fg/bg/underline)256HighBlue
13 (fg/bg/underline)256HighMagenta
14 (fg/bg/underline)256HighCyan
15 (fg/bg/underline)256HighWhite
16..231 (fg/bg/underline)256RgbNNN, where N are numbers from 0 to 5 (6 × 6 × 6 cube (216 colors): 16 + 36 × r + 6 × g + b)
232..255 (fg/bg/underline)256GrayN, where N is a number from 0 to 23 (grayscale from dark to light in 24 steps)

You can use the following functions to dynamically generate a value:

  • for colors:

    int rgb(int r, int g, int b);
    int gray(int level);

    Where r, g, b are values from 0 to 5. And level is a value from 0 to 23.

  • for ANSI escape code:

    String fg256(int color);
    String bg256(int color);
    String underline256(int color);

RGB colors #

Templates for using a RGB color:

  • Foreground: {fgRgbOpen}{r};{g};{b}{fgRgbClose}
  • Background: {bgRgbOpen}{r};{g};{b}{bgRgbClose}
  • Underline: {underlineRgbOpen}{r};{g};{b}{underlineRgbClose}

Where r, g, b are values from 0 to 255.

You can use the following functions to dynamically generate a value:

String fgRgb(int r, int g, int b);
String bgRgb(int r, int g, int b);
String underlineRgb(int r, int g, int b);

Reset color #

You can reset the set color with fgDefault, bgDefault and underlineColorDefault. Or with reset, which will turn off all attributes.

Control sequences #

Default constant Template Function Description
cursorUp {cursorUpOpen}[n]{cursorUpClose} cursorUpN(n) Moves the cursor up n (default 1) lines.
cursorDown {cursorDownOpen}[n]{cursorDownClose} cursorDownN(n) Moves the cursor down n (default 1) lines.
cursorForward {cursorForwardOpen}[n]{cursorForwardClose} cursorForwardN(n) Moves the cursor forward n (default 1) cells.
cursorBack {cursorBackOpen}[n]{cursorBackClose} cursorBackN(n) Moves the cursor back n (default 1) cells.
cursorNextLine {cursorNextLineOpen}[n]{cursorNextLineClose} cursorNextLineN(n) Moves cursor to beginning of the line n (default 1) lines down.
cursorPrevLine {cursorPrevLineOpen}[n]{cursorPrevLineClose} cursorPrevLineN(n) Moves cursor to beginning of the line n (default 1) lines up.
cursorHPos {cursorHPosOpen}[n]{cursorHPosClose} cursorHPosN(n) Moves the cursor to column n (default 1).
cursorPos {cursorPosOpen}[n]{cursorPosClose} cursorPosTo(row, col) Moves the cursor to row and column. The values are 1-based, and default to 1 (top left corner) if omitted.
cursorHVPos {cursorHVPosOpen}[n]{cursorHVPosClose} cursorHVPosTo(row, col) Same as cursorPos, but counts as a format effector function (like cr or lf) rather than an editor function (like cursorUp or cursorNextLine). This can lead to different handling in certain terminal modes.
clearScreen… {clearScreenOpen}[n]{clearScreenClose} Clears part of the screen. If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to end of screen (clearScreenToEnd). If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the screen (clearScreenToBegin). If n is 2, clear entire screen and moves cursor to upper left (clearScreen). If n is 3, clear entire screen and delete all lines saved in the scrollback buffer (clearScreenWithBuf).
eraseLine… {eraseLineOpen}[n]{eraseLineClose} Erases part of the line. If n is 0 (or missing), clear from cursor to the end of the line (eraseLineToEnd). If n is 1, clear from cursor to beginning of the line (eraseLineToBegin). If n is 2, clear entire line (eraseLine). Cursor position does not change.
scrollUp {scrollUpOpen}[n]{scrollUpClose} scrollUpN(n) Scroll whole page up by n (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the bottom.
scrollDown {scrollDownOpen}[n]{scrollDownClose} scrollDownN(n) Scroll whole page down by n (default 1) lines. New lines are added at the top.
hideCursor Shows the cursor.
showCursor Hides the cursor.
saveCursor Saves the cursor position, encoding shift state and formatting attributes.
restoreCursor Restores the cursor position, encoding shift state and formatting attributes from the previous saveCursor if any, otherwise resets these all to their defaults.
pub points



Yet another package for ANSI escape codes. It differs from the others only in that it focuses on using constants rather than functions or methods.

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Packages that depend on ansi_escape_codes