another_imin_printer 0.2.0 copy "another_imin_printer: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
another_imin_printer: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Imin plugin for flutter

Imin Printer #

A flutter package to support command on Imin devices

Support #

  • ✅ Android
  • ❌ IOS

Installation #

flutter pub add imin_printer

What this package do #

Tested on: Imin D1, Imin D4 Pro, Imin M2-202, Imin M2 Pro

  • ✅ Initialize Printer
  • ✅ Set print size
  • ✅ Get Printer Status
  • ✅ Get model name
  • ✅ Get brand name
  • ✅ Print raw bytes (Uint8List)
  • ✅ Print text
  • ✅ Print 2 Column text
  • ✅ Print Bitmap (Uint8List)
  • ✅ Print Bitmap base64 (String)
  • ✅ Set Style
  • ✅ Partial cut
  • ✅ Full cut

Tested on: Imin D1

  • ✅ Initialize LCD Manager
  • ✅ Send bitmap base 64 to LCD Screen
  • ✅ Clear LCD Screen

Tested on: Imin D4 Pro

  • ✅ Open cash drawer

You can combine this package with presentation_display to use customer display on some Imin device #

Example #

Instance #

IminPrinter iminPrinter = IminPrinter();

Init Printer #

Use init before accessing other functionality

iminPrinter.initPrinter(printSizeImin: PrintSizeImin.mm58);
iminPrinter.printText('Sample Text', printStyle: const PrintStyle(textAlign:; // Print text on Center
iminPrinter.print2ColumnsText(['Left Text', 'Right Text']);