animation_director 0.1.1 copy "animation_director: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
animation_director: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

AnimationDirector is a package to create beautiful and smooth animations for flutter framework

animation_director #

A package to create nice and smooth animations for flutter

Introduction #

A simple package to build beautiful and smooth animations for flutter framework. By using this package, you don't need to bother yourself with AnimationControllers, AnimationTweens and also timing and of those animations.

Here there are some simple examples of what I've made with this package in 5 minutes for each one.

The following descriptions may sounds complicated but it's pretty simple, sorry for my bad english, I think if you jump to example directory and take a look at the codes, you'll find out it's really easy to use

ActorWidget #

Each object on the screen is called an ActorWidget.

ActorWidget has two required properties:

    @required String name;
    @required List<ActorAction> actions;
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each ActorAction is an individual animation of the ActorWidget.

All ActorWidgets in your page run simultaneously. All ActorActions inside of an ActorWidget run sequentially, but you can control how much it waits before starts the animation using waitBeforeStart

  // ___________________________________
  ActorWidget(                          |
    name: 'Actor1',                     |
    actions: [                          |
      // ___________                    |
      ActorAction(  |                   |
        ...         |                   |
      ),            |                   |
      ActorAction(  |                   |
        ...         | (Sequentially)    | (Simultaneously)
      ),            |                   |
      ActorAction(  |                   |
        ...         |                   |
      )             |                   |
      // ___________|                   |
  ]),                                   |
  ActorWidget(),                        | 
  ActorWidget(),                        |
  ActorWidget(),                        |
  // ___________________________________|
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ActorAction Features #

Each ActorAction has following features

    List<String> group; // you can define one or multi group for action.
    Function onCompleted;
    Function onStart;
    Duration waitBeforeStart; // the amount of time the current action must wait to start, after the previous action is finished
    ActorPath path;
    ActorPosition position;
    ActorOpacity opacity;
    ActorCharacter character;
    ActorRotation rotation;
    ActorScale scale;
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if you want to animate some of your ActorWidgets, you can give a name to the actions of your actor. then start your AnimationDirector by that group. Using this, only ActorWidgets which has the given group animate.
This is useful when you want to trigger an animation manually. see Example Menu3x3.

ActorCharacter #

The actor character! your actor is represented by ActorCharacter.

ActorCharacter has the following properties:

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    double width;
    double height;
    Widget child;
    String clipPath; // the string of the clip path
    EdgeInsets padding;
    EdgeInsets margin;
    BoxDecoration decoration;
    BoxDecoration foregroundDecoration;
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Note: clipPath type is string! if follows svg codes rule. and for now only supports M, L, A, Q.

In order to generate a path you can use Path Creator. Draw your path and copy The Result to the clipPath property

ActorPosition #

You can animate the position of Actor using ActorPosition.

ActorPosition has the following properties

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    double top;
    double left;
    double right;
    double bottom;
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ActorOpacity #

To change the opacity of your Actor.

ActorOpacity has the following properties

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    double opacity;
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ActorScale #

To change the scale of your Actor.

ActorScale has the following properties

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    double startScale;
    double finishScale;
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ActorRotation #

To rotate, flip horizontal or vertical your Actor widget, you can use ActorRotation.

ActorRotation has the following properties

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    double rotationTurns;
    Alignment alignment;
    bool clockwise;
    double startTween;
    double verticalFlipTurns;
    double horizontalFlipTurns;
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ActorPath #

You can draw a path by using ActorPath. and if you define an ActorCharacter along with ActorPath, the character will move along the created path.

To draw your path again use Path Creator.

ActorPath has the following properties

    Duration duration;
    Curve curve;
    String path; // the String code of the path
    int traversePercentage; // the percentage of `ActorCharacter` movement along the path
    int startPositionInPercent; // the start position of animation in percent
    bool displayPath; // displays the path on the screen, 
    bool displayProgress; // displays the progress of path filling on the screen
    Offset offset; // you can align the position of ActorCharacter widget on the path
    Paint pathStyle; // style of the path line
    Paint progressStyle; // style of the progress line
    int progressLength; // the length of progress line, the default is as equal as the path
    int progressAnimationRepeat; // the repeat times of progress animation
    bool fadingProgress; // to make the tail of the progress line faded
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Path Creator #

In order to create paths easily head to Path Creator.
Draw your path and copy the generated code from The Result.

Adaptive Size #

By default, the generated path is based on fixed numbers of your path and has the following effect

If you want to draw your path to be adaptive to the screen of any device, you need to select Adaptive Width or Adaptive Height or both if you want your path to be fully adaptive. When you select for example Adaptive Width, the drawing-area width will be considered as mobile,tablet,... width so you get following effect with Adaptive Width. (500 for example)

But keep in mind, in both cases, the result may be different on different screen-sizes.

Example #

Let's say we want to animate an orange circle from top-center of the screen to the center. Then after 2 seconds, move the circle to the bottom of the page.

The first step is to create our character and position it to top of the page.

    position: ActorPosition(top: 0, left: 0, right: 0),
    character: ActorCharacter(
      child: Center(
        child: Container(
          width: 50,
          height: 50,
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            color: Colors.orangeAccent,
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(50),
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The second step is to move it to the center of the page, so let's add another ActorAction

        position: ActorPosition(
          curve: Curves.elasticOut,
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800),
          top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 2 - 25),
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And the final step is to move our circle to the bottom of the page after 2 seconds

        waitBeforeStart: Duration(seconds: 2),
        position: ActorPosition(
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 800),
          curve: Curves.elasticOut,
          top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - 100),
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and you get the following result




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AnimationDirector is a package to create beautiful and smooth animations for flutter framework

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