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A flutter pacakge for creating animated tree-views

animated_tree_view #

A flutter package that provides a heirarchial Tree like data structure that can be visualized as a linear list view.

The widget is based on the Flutter’s AnimatedList widget and can even be used as a replacement to the AnimatedList. The widget data is completely customizable and provides an LeveledItemWidgetBuilder to build the tree items.

Animated Tree View Demo

Variants #

There are two variants available in the package: the simple TreeView and the more comprehensive IndexedTreeView.

TreeView #

The TreeView uses a Map data-structure to handle the Nodes and their children, using a Map makes the TreeView more performant with a complexity on traversing the Nodes being O(n), where n is the level of the node. However the simple TreeView lacks the indexed based operations like insertAt and removeAt operations.

IndexedTreeView #

The IndexedTreeView uses a List data-structure to handle the Nodes and their children. This allows it to perform all the list based operations that require indices, like insertAt or removeAt. The drawback of using an IndexedTreeView instead of TreeView is that the Node traversal operations on the IndexedTreeView are more expensive with a complexity of O(n^m), where n is the number of children in a node, and m is the node level.

Features #

  • Infinite levels and child nodes.
  • Animations for Node expansion and collapse.
  • Familiar API due to inspiration from AnimatedList.
  • Provides plenty of utility methods for adding, inserting and removing child nodes.
  • Implementation of ValueListenable makes it easy to listen to changes in the data.

How to use #

TreeView #

You can simply use the provided SimpleNode or extend your data object from ListenableNode<T> like this

class CustomNode extends ListenableNode<CustomNode> {
  CustomNode([String? key]) : super(key: key);

Note: If the key is omitted, then a unique key will be automatically assigned to the Node.

You can provide an optional TreeListViewController<T> and initialItems to the TreeListView if required.

If no initialItems are provided to the TreeView, then the TreeView will only contain a Root-Node until some children are added to it.

Finally, initialize the TreeView by providing it a builder.

    builder: (context, level, node) {
        // build your node item here
        // return any widget that you need
        return ListTile(
          title: Text("Item ${node.level}-${node.key}"),
          subtitle: Text('Level $level'),

IndexedTreeView #

The usage of IndexedTreeView is exactly the same as a simple TreeView. You only need to replace SimpleNode with SimpleIndexedNode or extend you CustomNode from ListenableIndexedNode like this

class CustomNode extends ListenableIndexedNode<CustomNode> {
  CustomNode([String? key]) : super(key: key);

Finally initialize the widget like this:

    builder: (context, level, node) {
        // build your node item here
        // return any widget that you need
        return ListTile(
          title: Text("Item ${node.level}-${node.key}"),
          subtitle: Text('Level $level'),

Please see this example for a more comprehsive code sample.

Configuration and Behvaior #

Attributes Description
builder The builder function that is provided to the item builder. Called, as needed, to build list item widgets. The built widget is passed to the AnimatedList's itemBuilder.
controller Allows controlling the [TreeView] programmatically using utility methods. Use TreeViewController for the TreeView, and IndexedTreeViewController for the IndexedTreeView.
initialItems Node that is used to populate the TreeView initially. If no initialItems are provided, then the Tree will only contain the RootNode.
scrollController Provide a scrollController for more granular control over scrolling behavior.
expansionIndicator Provide an ExpansionIndicator to set the expand widget and collapse widget. Typically these are Icon widgets. You can pass in null if you do not want to show any expansion indicator.
indentPadding This is the padding is applied to the start of an item. IndentPadding will be multiplied by Node-Level before being applied.
onItemTap callback that can be used to handle any action when an item is tapped or clicked.
showRootNode Flag to show the Root Node in the TreeView.
expansionBehavior The ExpansionBehavior provides control over the behavior of the node when it is expanded.
padding The amount of space by which to inset the children.
primary Whether this is the primary scroll view associated with the parent PrimaryScrollController.
physics An object that can be used to control the position to which this scroll view is scrolled.
shrinkWrap Whether the extent of the scroll view in the scrollDirection should be determined by the contents being viewed.

Available APIs #

Node #

Method TreeView IndexedTreeView
root (getter)

TreeViewController #

The TreeViewController provides utility methods that allow controlling the [TreeView] programmatically.

There are two different TreeViewControllers for the two variants of TreeView. Namely the TreeViewController for TreeView, and the IndexedTreeViewController for IndexedTreeView

Method Description
elementAt Get any item at path from the root. The keys of the items to be traversed should be provided in the path
root Root node of the TreeView
scrollToIndex Allows to scroll to any item with index in the list. If you do not have the index of the item, then use the alternate scrollToItem method item instead.
scrollToItem Utility method to scroll to any visible item in the tree.
toggleNodeExpandCollapse Utility method to expand or collapse an item.

Future Goals #

  • Improve documentation
  • Add more examples
  • Add more utility functions for Node
  • Add a DiffUtil to the controller to update the whole tree data more easily

Development Status #

This library is under development. We are trying to provide you a performant and easy to use library, however at this stage we cannot guarantee a bug free experience. Please feel free to equest any feature or report any issues that you may face.

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A flutter pacakge for creating animated tree-views

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flutter, scroll_to_index


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