animated_to 0.0.1 animated_to: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
AnimateTo animates its child to a new position requiring no calculation.
animated_to #
animated_to provides a widget named AnimatedTo
enables you to animate whatever widget you want to animate to the next position when rebuild happens and the rebuild updates the position of the widget.
No calculation is necessary. Every calculation is done by Flutter framework, and AnimatedTo
just animates to the calculated position.
Usage #
See example for more details.
Or, see my X account @chooyan_i18n posting some example screenshots.
Contact #
If you have anything you want to inform me (@chooyan-eng), such as suggestions to enhance this package or functionalities you want etc, feel free to make issues on GitHub or send messages on X @tsuyoshi_chujo (Japanese @chooyan_i18n).