animated_switcher_plus 1.0.0 animated_switcher_plus: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Prebuilt transitions for AnimatedSwitcher
Prebuilt transitions for Animated Switcher.
Transitions |
AnimatedSwitcherFlip.flipX |
AnimatedSwitcherFlip.flipY |
AnimatedSwitcherZoom.zoomIn |
AnimatedSwitcherZoom.zoomOut |
AnimatedSwitcherTranslation.left |
AnimatedSwitcherTranslation.right | |
AnimatedSwitcherTranslation.bottom |
Features #
- Easily animate between two widget
- No need to provide first and second child at the same time, compare to similar packages
Installation #
Add this line to your pubspec:
animated_switcher_plus: ^1.0.0
Usage #
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
child: _showFirstChild ?
const Text('Primary Text', key: ValueKey(0)) :
const Text('Secondary Text', key: ValueKey(1)),
Note: Change child's key in order to notify AnimatedSwitcher that child has been changed, otherwise transition won't happen.