animated_scroll_view 1.0.2 copy "animated_scroll_view: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
animated_scroll_view: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

Scrollable widgets, that helps you easily animate items removing, inserting, moving etc.

1.0.2 #

  • FIX: DefaultItemsNotifier().updateValue() incorrect items equality check
  • FIX: incorrect index when moving an item that should be inserted to greater index
  • FIX: added forgotten itemWrapper and itemsAnimationController parameters to scrollables
  • FIX(SizeAndFadeTransition): do not throw exception if there is no Scrollable ancestor

1.0.1 #

  • FIX: last item is inserted without animation by InserAllItemsEvent
  • CI: fix publishing workflow
  • DOCS: updated readme

1.0.0 #

  • BREAKING FEAT: animate items, rebuild of which is caused by another items modification event (breaking change: added scrollViewType parameter to ModificationEvent.execute() method)
  • FEAT: added new events:
    • InsertAllItemsEvent
    • InsertInfluencedItemEvent
    • InsertAdaptiveItemEvent
    • RemoveInfluencedItemEvent
    • RemoveAdaptiveItemEvent
    • MoveInfluencedItemEvent
    • MoveAdaptiveItemEvent
  • CHORE: migration to flutter 3.7 small changes
  • CI: added workflow which publishes the package to
  • CI: bump flutter version to 3.7.12

0.5.2 #

  • FEAT: determine the axis of SizeTransition under the hood
  • FEAT(widgetbook): added axis knob for all scrollable widgets

0.5.1 #

  • FIX: idMapper not assigned to ItemsEntity after calling ItemsNotifier.updateValue()
  • FIX: item not marked as removed on move event when index did not changed

0.5.0 #

  • CHORE: new DefaultItemsNotifier logic(fixes found issues)
  • DOCS: document all public members
  • FEAT: added extensions on EventController for easily adding new events
  • TEST: added some tests for AnimatedListView
  • FIX(widgetbook): wrap SliverAnimatedLListView in CustomScrollView

0.4.0 #

  • FEAT: added AnimatedPageView widget
  • CHORE: made all widgets expanded by default on widgetbook app
  • CHORE: added use case to widgetbook app for AnimatedPageView

0.3.0 #

  • FEAT: added widgetbook app with examples
  • CI: added workflow, which builds the widgetbook app
  • CHORE: updated package exports
  • CHORE: replace addPostFrameCallback with Future.microtask
  • REFACTOR: made ItemAndItemIdConstructors descendant of ModificationEvent
  • REFACTOR: made Move and Remove events descendants of ModificationEventWithItemAndItemIdConstructors
  • FIX: before doing any modification check if index is valid(for Insert and Move events)
  • FIX: add cachedAnimationValue in InsertItemEvent
  • REFACTOR: move scrollable folder to widgets folder
  • REFACTOR: move AnimatedItemWidget to widgets folder
  • CHORE: added generated files to gitignore

0.2.0 #

  • FIX: no remove animation starting with second item remove
  • REFACTOR: removed Debouncer
  • STYLE: Animation<double> replaced with DoubleAnimation typedef

0.1.0 #

  • FEAT: initial version(pre-release)
pub points



Scrollable widgets, that helps you easily animate items removing, inserting, moving etc.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


collection, flutter, meta


Packages that depend on animated_scroll_view