animated_login 1.7.0
animated_login: ^1.7.0 copied to clipboard
Animated Login for Flutter. You can welcome your users with this beautiful animated screen that gives functionality for both login and sign up.
Versions #
[1.7.0] - 18.05.2023 #
- Update on SDK range
- Updated all dependency versions
- Integrated very_good_analysis package
- Formatted the code and fixed all problems with the update of Dart 3.0.0
- Fixed desktop app landscape view problem
[1.6.1] - 23.01.2023 #
- Quick fix as removing unused variable to pass static analysis completely.
[1.6.0] - 23.01.2023 #
- Implemented agreement checkbox for privacy policy and terms & conditions.
- Implemented customizable error logic and text for the case checkbox is not checked before trying to signup.
- Integrated URL launcher for privacy policy and terms & conditions website navigation.
- Updated example app configurations and versions.
- Implement separate email and password hint texts for signup and login.
[1.5.5] - 18.10.2022 #
- Implemented custom validator callback for customized error messages by utilizing the validator logic.
[1.5.4] - 21.06.2022 #
- Fixed inoperative initial mode parameter.
[1.5.3] - 17.06.2022 #
- Exported AnimationType enum for full customization.
[1.5.2] - 17.06.2022 #
- Upgraded the Flutter version to 3.0.2.
- Upgraded all dependent packages.
- Fixed problems to pass the static analysis.
[1.5.1] - 18.02.2022 #
- Fixed wrong ss gif.
[1.5.0] - 18.02.2022 #
- Fixed small bugs
- Resolved focus and text form value issues
- Default padding value adjustments
- Renewed walk through videos
[1.4.1] - 13.02.2022 #
- Fixed deprecated warnings
[1.4.0] - 12.02.2022 #
- Extracted main components as widgets
- Enabled custom ordering of the screen elements
- Wrapped most elements with padding to enable custom margins around the components
- Collected auth operations in auth provider and minimized business on view files
- Optimizations on example app
- Screen size adjustments
[1.3.0] - 28.01.2022 #
- Loading indicators are integrated to the buttons instead of dialogs.
- Integrated cancelable operations for auth functions.
- CopyWith method is added to the AnimatedDialogTheme and LanguageDialogTheme.
- Small optimizations and bug fixes.
[1.2.1] - 27.01.2022 #
- Fixed the auth mode change behavior on mobile.
- Optimized the spaces/paddings between form and action button for mobile.
[1.2.0] - 27.01.2022 #
- Optimized the use of AnimatedBuilder to avoid unnecessary rebuilds.
- Optimized the management of the state.
- Added additional style parameters to allow users to further customize.
- Performed optimization tests.
[1.1.0] - 26.01.2022 #
- Completed all of the documentation.
- Fixed material dependency of the simple dialog option widget (InkWell).
- Changed the logic behind the theming and responsiveness.
- Layout builder and isLandscape variable used just for web.
- Focus changes on the input fields.
[1.0.0] - 25.11.2021 #
- Removed universal io package dependency and used conditional import for animated dialogs.
- Implemented platform specific dialogs.
- Logo asset path string is converted to complete logo widget to provide more customizations.
- Optimizations in the readme file.
- The package is tested by multiple users and projects. So, version 1.0.0 can be published now, yay!
[0.0.5] - 15.11.2021 #
- Replaced "io" package with universal_io because of web support.
[0.0.4] - 15.11.2021 #
Fixed most of the issues opened by @wer-mathurin, special thanks to @wer-mathurin Fixes, New Features:
- Implemented AnimatedDialog with a soft animation for general dialog use
- Implemented LanguageDialogTheme model for language dialog style
- Implemented AnimatedDialogTheme model for custom dialog style
- Added "copyWith" method to LoginViewTheme
- Added auto-fill hints for email, password, and name fields
- Added distinct text input types for each input field.
- Created two distinct LoginViewTheme parameters for desktop and mobile views.
- Added initialAuthMode field to be able to start with a custom mode (login/signup)
- Added onAuthModeChange field to be able to track the current mode and may take some actions.
- Removed actionTextStyle and changeActionTextStyle since they are suppressed by the foreground color of button styles.
- Changed initialLanguage to selectedLanguage
- Changed example project to show language change in a stateful widget.
- ValidatorModel is created for custom validations
- With the help of this new model, you can directly use your own custom validation or you can also enable/disable some of the default validations.
- Form and welcome components are declared as private and part of the animated login widget.
- Name parameters in the callbacks
- The return type is changed to LanguageOption instead of String in the ChangeLanguageCallback
- Field names are revised in the LanguageOption model.
- Used equality operator instead of direct field comparison in the language comparison.
- Readme and documentation update
- Transferred style parameters to LoginTheme: 1- animationCurve 2- formWidthRatio 3- animationDuration 4- formElementsSpacing 5- socialLoginsSpacing 6- actionButtonStyle 7- changeActionButtonStyle 8- welcomePadding 9- formPadding 10- logoSize
- Removed unnecessary change language button style properties such as: border color, background-color
[0.0.3] - 07.11.2021 #
- Added change language button with dialog, adjustments on sizes.
[0.0.2] - 31.10.2021 #
- Updated readme file, added contributing and issue template documents.
[0.0.1] - 30.10.2021 #
- Initial release of the animated login screen.