animated_login 1.4.1
animated_login: ^1.4.1 copied to clipboard
Animated Login for Flutter. You can welcome your users with this beautiful animated screen that gives functionality for both login and sign up.
import 'package:animated_login/animated_login.dart';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dialog_builders.dart';
import 'login_functions.dart';
/// Main function.
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
/// Example app widget.
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
/// Main app widget.
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Animated Login',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch:, //const MaterialColor(0xFF6666FF, color)
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
initialRoute: '/login',
routes: {
'/login': (BuildContext context) => const LoginScreen(),
'/forgotPass': (BuildContext context) => const ForgotPasswordScreen(),
// static const Map<int, Color> color = {
// 50: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .1),
// 100: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .2),
// 200: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .3),
// 300: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .4),
// 400: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .5),
// 500: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .6),
// 600: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .7),
// 700: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .8),
// 800: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, .9),
// 900: Color.fromRGBO(4, 131, 184, 1),
// };
/// Example login screen
class LoginScreen extends StatefulWidget {
/// Simulates the multilanguage, you will implement your own logic.
/// According to the current language, you can display a text message
/// with the help of [LoginTexts] class.
const LoginScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<LoginScreen> createState() => _LoginScreenState();
class _LoginScreenState extends State<LoginScreen> {
/// Example selected language, default is English.
LanguageOption language = _languageOptions[1];
/// Current auth mode, default is [AuthMode.login].
AuthMode currentMode = AuthMode.login;
CancelableOperation? _operation;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AnimatedLogin(
onLogin: (LoginData data) async =>
onSignup: (SignUpData data) async =>
onForgotPassword: _onForgotPassword,
logo: Image.asset('assets/images/logo.gif'),
// backgroundImage: 'images/background_image.jpg',
signUpMode: SignUpModes.both,
socialLogins: _socialLogins(context),
loginDesktopTheme: _desktopTheme,
loginMobileTheme: _mobileTheme,
loginTexts: _loginTexts,
changeLanguageCallback: (LanguageOption? _language) {
if (_language != null) {
'Successfully changed the language to: ${_language.value}.');
if (mounted) setState(() => language = _language);
changeLangDefaultOnPressed: () async => _operation?.cancel(),
languageOptions: _languageOptions,
selectedLanguage: language,
initialMode: currentMode,
onAuthModeChange: (AuthMode newMode) async {
currentMode = newMode;
await _operation?.cancel();
Future<String?> _authOperation(Future<String?> func) async {
await _operation?.cancel();
_operation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(func);
final String? res = await _operation?.valueOrCancellation();
if (_operation?.isCompleted == true && res == null) {
return res;
Future<String?> _onForgotPassword(String email) async {
await _operation?.cancel();
return await LoginFunctions(context).onForgotPassword(email);
static List<LanguageOption> get _languageOptions => const <LanguageOption>[
value: 'Turkish',
code: 'TR',
iconPath: 'assets/images/tr.png',
value: 'English',
code: 'EN',
iconPath: 'assets/images/en.png',
/// You can adjust the colors, text styles, button styles, borders
/// according to your design preferences for *DESKTOP* view.
/// You can also set some additional display options such as [showLabelTexts].
LoginViewTheme get _desktopTheme => _mobileTheme.copyWith(
// To set the color of button text, use foreground color.
actionButtonStyle: ButtonStyle(
foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.white),
dialogTheme: const AnimatedDialogTheme(
languageDialogTheme: LanguageDialogTheme(
optionMargin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 80)),
loadingButtonColor: Colors.white,
/// You can adjust the colors, text styles, button styles, borders
/// according to your design preferences for *MOBILE* view.
/// You can also set some additional display options such as [showLabelTexts].
LoginViewTheme get _mobileTheme => LoginViewTheme(
// showLabelTexts: false,
backgroundColor:, // const Color(0xFF6666FF),
formFieldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
formWidthRatio: 60,
// actionButtonStyle: ButtonStyle(
// foregroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(,
// ),
// animatedComponentOrder: const <AnimatedComponent>[
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.logo),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.title),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.description),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.formTitle),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.socialLogins),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.useEmail),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.form),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.notHaveAnAccount),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.forgotPassword),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.changeActionButton),
// AnimatedComponent(component: LoginComponents.actionButton),
// ],
LoginTexts get _loginTexts => LoginTexts(
nameHint: _username,
login: _login,
signUp: _signup,
/// You can adjust the texts in the screen according to the current language
/// With the help of [LoginTexts], you can create a multilanguage scren.
String get _username => language.code == 'TR' ? 'Kullanıcı Adı' : 'Username';
String get _login => language.code == 'TR' ? 'Giriş Yap' : 'Login';
String get _signup => language.code == 'TR' ? 'Kayıt Ol' : 'Sign Up';
/// Social login options, you should provide callback function and icon path.
/// Icon paths should be the full path in the assets
/// Don't forget to also add the icon folder to the "pubspec.yaml" file.
List<SocialLogin> _socialLogins(BuildContext context) => <SocialLogin>[
callback: () async => _socialCallback('Google'),
iconPath: 'assets/images/google.png'),
callback: () async => _socialCallback('Facebook'),
iconPath: 'assets/images/facebook.png'),
callback: () async => _socialCallback('LinkedIn'),
iconPath: 'assets/images/linkedin.png'),
Future<String?> _socialCallback(String type) async {
await _operation?.cancel();
_operation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(
final String? res = await _operation?.valueOrCancellation();
if (_operation?.isCompleted == true && res == null) {
.showResultDialog('Successfully logged in with $type.');
return res;
/// Example forgot password screen
class ForgotPasswordScreen extends StatelessWidget {
/// Example forgot password screen that user is navigated to
/// after clicked on "Forgot Password?" text.
const ForgotPasswordScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: Text('FORGOT PASSWORD'),