animated_item_picker 1.0.0 animated_item_picker: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Generic item picker that encapsulates single or multiple item selection logic. Based on Column or Row, so it is suitable for fixed size item lists, like custom BottomNavigationBar, week day or gender [...]
Animated Item Picker #
Generic item picker that encapsulates single or multiple item selection logic.
Suitable for fixed size item lists, e.g level, week day or gender selector etc.
Supports tapUp/tapDown item opacity animation.
Preview #
Usage #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AnimatedItemPicker(
axis: Axis.horizontal,
multipleSelection: false,
itemCount: yourModelList.length,
pressedOpacity: 0.85,
initialSelection: {defaultItemIndex},
onItemPicked: (index, selected) {
itemBuilder: (index, animValue, selected) => _YourItemWidget(
name: yourModelList[index].name,
borderColor: _colorTween1.transform(animValue),
textColor: _colorTween2.transform(animValue),
iconColor: _colorTween3.transform(animValue)