animated_infinite_scroll_pagination 0.3.8 copy "animated_infinite_scroll_pagination: ^0.3.8" to clipboard
animated_infinite_scroll_pagination: ^0.3.8 copied to clipboard

Flutter package loads and displays small parts of the elements when you scroll down on the screen

Animated Infinite Scroll view #

load and display small chunks of items as the user scrolls down the screen #

Overview: #

1- Declare View-Model extends PaginationViewModel<T> #

  • PaginationViewModel the layer between user interface and model which is handled by a repository.
  • T is Type of your data list. for Example if you have List<User> , you will create a viewModel extends PaginationViewModel<User>.

Before create the View-Model we're going to create our Repository. The Repository is the layer between the View-Model and back-end.

The Repository will be something like this:

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:example/config/env.dart';
import 'package:example/models/users_list.dart';
import 'package:example/models/users_response.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

class UserRepository {

  Future<UsersList?> getUsersList(int page) async {
    /// fetch data from server
    final api = "${Env.paginationApi}/users?page=$page&limit=${Env.perPage}";
    final http.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(api));
    final responseData = UserResponse.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body));
    /// responseData.usersList -> json: { "users": [], "total": 100 }
    return responseData.usersList;

Now we're going to create our View-Model. The View-Model will be something like this:

class UsersViewModel extends PaginationViewModel<User> {
  final repository = UserRepository();
  final _controller = StreamController<PaginationState<List<User>>>();

  Stream<PaginationState<List<User>>> get result async* {

  /// decide whether two object represent the same Item
  bool areItemsTheSame(User a, User b) {
    return ==;

  /// fetch data from repository and emit by Stream to pagination-list
  /// set total items count -> stop loading on last page
  Future<void> fetchData(int page) async {
    // emit loading
    _controller.add(const PaginationLoading());
    try {
      final data = await repository.getUsersList(page);
      // tell the view-model the total of items.
      // this will stop loading more data when last data-chunk is loaded
      if (data?.total != null && data?.users != null) {
        // emit data
    } catch (_) {
      // emit error
      _controller.add(const PaginationError());

  /// subscribe for list changes
  Stream<PaginationState<List<User>>> streamSubscription() => result;

  /// remove an item from users list
  void remove(User user) {
    // `paginationParams` is a variable declared in `PaginationViewModel`
    // which contains the List<T>
    final index = paginationParams.itemsList.value.items.indexWhere((element) => ==;
    // `deleteItem` is a method declared in `PaginationViewModel`
    // which expected a integer value `index of item`
    if (index != -1) deleteItem(index);

2- UI: #

  • Declare your view-model in your screen:
final viewModel = UsersViewModel();

void initState() {
      ..listen() // observe data-list changes when repository update the list
      ..getPaginationList(); // fetch first chunk of data from server

void dispose() {
  • Wrap the animated scrollView in your screen:
  deleteUser(User user) {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return AnimatedInfiniteScrollView<User>(
      viewModel: viewModel,
      loadingWidget: const AppProgressBar(), // customize your loading widget
      footerLoadingWidget: const AppProgressBar(), // customize your pagination loading widget
      errorWidget: const Text("Pagination Error"), // customize your error widget
      itemBuilder: (index, item) => UserCard(user: item, onDelete: deleteUser),
      refreshIndicator: true,
      onRefresh: () {
        // handle swipe refresh event

AnimatedInfiniteScrollView Parameters: #

  • viewModel: The View-Model you declared above in this example (required).
  • topWidget: a widget you want to place at the top of the first itemBuilder widget (optional).
  • loadingWidget: a widget you want to display when first page is loading (optional).
  • footerLoadingWidget: a widget you want to display when pagination data is loading (optional).
  • errorWidget: a widget you want to display when pagination data is field loading (throw exception) (optional).
  • refreshIndicator: wrap the scroll view inside a RefreshIndicator (optional), default value is false.
  • itemBuilder: a widget function which build your Data Widget inside the scroll view on Each Data Item from list (required).
  • onRefresh: callback called when user swipe refresh to load new list (optional)
  • scrollDirection: Axis.vertical or Axis.horizontal (optional)
  • gridDelegate: A delegate that controls the layout of the children within the GridView (optional)
  • noItemsWidget: a widget appears after fetch first page data and the result is empty (optional)
pub points



Flutter package loads and displays small parts of the elements when you scroll down on the screen

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


equatable, flutter, flutterx_live_data, implicitly_animated_reorderable_list_2, rxdart, uuid


Packages that depend on animated_infinite_scroll_pagination