animated_expandable_fab 0.0.3
animated_expandable_fab: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package that provides an animated and expandable Floating Action Button. The package allows you to create an animated FAB that expands when tapped and collapses when tapped again.
Animated Expandable Fab #
A Flutter package for easily creating animated expandable fabs.

Description #
Animated Expandable Fab is a package for creating beautiful and customizable expandable floating action buttons. This package provides an easy-to-use widget, ExpandableFab
, which can be used to create expandable fabs with various animations, icons, and children.
Features #
- Customizable distance, direction, and animation of expansion
- Customizable open and close icons
- Support for multiple children
- Support for closing the fab on child button press
Getting started #
To use this package, add animated_expandable_fab
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
animated_expandable_fab: any
Usage #
To use the ExpandableFab
widget, simply add it to your widget tree as a child of a Scaffold
widget. You can customize the distance, direction, and animation of the expansion by passing in the appropriate parameters. You can also add children to the fab by passing in a list of widgets.
floatingActionButton: ExpandableFab(
distance: 100,
openIcon: Icon(Icons.add),
closeIcon: Icon(Icons.close),
children: [
child: Text("Child 1"),
onPressed: () {},
child: Text("Child 2"),
onPressed: () {},
Additional information #
If you have any issues or feature requests, please file them in the issue tracker.