animated_digit 3.2.2 copy "animated_digit: ^3.2.2" to clipboard
animated_digit: ^3.2.2 copied to clipboard

A scroll numbers animation widget, any number that need scroll animation effects and easy to use.

[3.2.2] - publish 3.2.2 #

[3.2.1] - publish 3.2.1 #

  • adapted Flutter 2 ~ 3
  • added change color based on value. ex
int value = 9999; // or use Controller.value
  value: value,
  textStyle: TextStyle(
    fontSize: 30,
  valueColors: [
      //When value <= 0 , the color changes to red
      condition: () => value <= 0,
    // you can add more ...,but always take the last eligible.

[3.1.3] - publish 3.1.3 #

  • 3.1.3 release
  • fix _setValue null error

[3.1.2] - publish 3.1.2 #

  • 3.1.2 release
  • cancel prefix and suffix middle of space.
  • added negative symbol animation.

[3.1.1] Retracted Package Version.(fix error doc) #

[3.1.0] - publish 3.1.0 #

  • 3.1.0 release
  • 优化自动伸缩尺寸的动画
  • optimization autoSize animation
  • added Controller API minusValue
  • added Controller API timesValue
  • added Controller API divideValue
  • added prefix
  • widget params name change | 参数名称变更
    • enableDigitSplit => enableSeparator
    • digitSplitSymbol => separateSymbol
    • separatorDigits => separateLength
  • change loop default value => true (orgin false)
  • change autoSize default value => true (orgin false)
  • remove singleBuilder

[3.0.0] - publish 3.0.0 #

  • 3.0.0 release
  • added loop (default false), example:
  value: 2022,
  loop: true,
  • added singleBuilder, example:
  value: 2022,
  loop: true,
  separatorDigits: 1,
  digitSplitSymbol: "#",
  enableDigitSplit: true,
  singleBuilder: (size, value, isNumber, defaultBuilder) {
    return isNumber ? defaultBuilder() : FlutterLogo();

run result


  • added SingleDigitProvider Widget, this is InheritedWidget.

它可以控制每个数字或符号的包装盒的大小和改变显示它们的方式,它比 singleBuilder 权利更大

it can control the size of every digit/symbol wrapper box and change the way of display them, more powerful than singleBuilder


  data: SingleDigitData(
    syncContainerValueSize: false,
    size: Size.fromRadius(15),
    builder: (size, value, isNumber, defaultBuilder) {
      return isNumber ? defaultBuilder() : FlutterLogo(size: 20);
  child: AnimatedDigitWidget(
    controller: _controller,
    textStyle: TextStyle(color:[200], fontSize: 30),
    separatorDigits: 1,
    digitSplitSymbol: "#",
    enableDigitSplit: true,
    loop: true,
    duration: const Duration(seconds: 1),


  • added autoSize (default false).


  • added animateAutoSize (default false)

[2.2.0] - publish 2.2.0 #

  • 2.2.0 release
  • ✅ null-safety Version!.
  • ✅ Fix use MediaQueryData.textScaleFactor
  • 🍇 added formatter, example:
  value: 2022,
  formatter: (val) => "Hello ~ $val",
// => Hello ~ 2022
  • 🍓 cancel assert separatorDigits >= 2, change to separatorDigits >= 1

[2.1.1] - #

  • added decimalSeparator
  • added suffix

[2.1.0] - init late final scrollController resolve null value #

  • 2.1.0 release
  • ✅ null-safety Version!.
  • ✅ use late final scrollController resolve init null value

[2.0.8] - fix scrollController null check #

  • 2.0.8 release
  • ✅ null-safety Version!.
  • ✅ fix scrollController null check
  • ✅ 修复 scrollController 空检查

[2.0.6] - When you don’t need a controller, you can use the value field #

  • 2.0.6 release
  • ✅ null-safety Version!.
  • ✅ When you don’t need a controller, you can use the value field
  • ✅ 当不需要控制器时,可以使用 value 字段

[2.0.4] - null-safety Version. resolve text textScaleFactor #

  • 2.0.4 release
  • ✅ null-safety Version!.
  • ✅ resolve textScaleFactor
  • ✅ 解决设备字体因 textScaleFactor 改变的影响
    • duration field

[2.0.2] - null-safety Version. Fix the effect of digitSplitSymbol after negative numbers #

  • 2.0.2 release
  • ✅null-safety Version!.
  • ✅Fix the effect of digitSplitSymbol after negative numbers
  • ✅修复负数后digitSplitSymbol的影响

[2.0.1] - not null-safety Version. Fix the effect of digitSplitSymbol after negative numbers #

  • 2.0.1 release
  • ✅not null-safety Version!.
  • ✅Fix the effect of digitSplitSymbol after negative numbers
  • ✅修复负数后digitSplitSymbol的影响

[2.0.0] - Migrate to null-safety. #

  • 2.0.0 release
  • ✅Migrate to null-safety.
  • ✅迁移至空安全

[1.0.6] - Fix BUG Cannot scroll after calling'addValue' or'resetValue' for the second time #

  • 1.0.6 release
  • ✅Cannot scroll after calling'addValue' or'resetValue' for the second time
  • ✅第二次调用“ addValue”或“ resetValue”后无法滚动

[1.0.5+1] - property digitSplitSymbol name modify error #

  • 1.0.5+1 release
  • (property modify error) <= 1.0.4 digitSplitSymbol => (1.0.5)❌digitSplitNumber => (now)✅digitSplitSymbol

[1.0.5] - Prevent ScrollController not attached to any scroll views #

  • 1.0.5 release
  • Add assert、annotation
  • Part param default handler
  • Prevent ScrollController not attached to any scroll views

[1.0.4] - Fix that integers are not supported #

  • 1.0.4 release
  • 修复支持整数

[1.0.3] - optimization #

  • 1.0.3 release
  • 区分分隔字符和数字的Size计算

[1.0.2] - solve digital precision #

  • 1.0.2 release.
  • solve digital precision
  • 引入 number_precision 解决数字精度git add .

[1.0.1] - reset bug #

  • 1.0.1 release.
  • reset bug

[1.0.0] - first publish. #

  • 1.0.0 release.
pub points


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A scroll numbers animation widget, any number that need scroll animation effects and easy to use.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




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