angular_forms 2.0.0-beta+1 copy "angular_forms: ^2.0.0-beta+1" to clipboard
angular_forms: ^2.0.0-beta+1 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: ngforms

Forms framework for AngularDart.

2.0.0-beta+1 #

  • Maintenence release; declare official support for the Dart2 SDK.

2.0.0-beta #

  • Maintenence release to bring into sync with angular 5.0.0-beta.

2.0.0-alpha+7 #

New Features #

  • reset method added to AbstractControl and AbstractControlDirective.

  • RequiredValidator now has a required input. This allows the required property to be toggled at runtime. Previously, this could only be set statically at compile time.

  • Control.invalid getter added.

Breaking Changes #

  • Remove deprecated NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR token. Use ngValueAccessor instead.

  • Abstract updateValue method added to AbstractControl. All subclasses of AbstractControl will need to implement this method.

2.0.0-alpha+6 #

  • Maintenence release.
  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.56.0 <2.0.0".

2.0.0-alpha+5 #

  • Maintenence release.
  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.55.0 <2.0.0".

2.0.0-alpha+4 #

New Features #

  • Control.markAsPristine added. This will clear the dirty property.

Breaking Changes #

  • NgControlName will no longer initialize with null if a value is specified by 'ngModel'.

  • The touched property of Controls is now propagated to parents / children.

Bug fixes #

  • Add a not selector to ngForm for memorizedForm since memorized_form is now in angular_forms. This fixes the DIRECTIVE_EXPORTED_BY_AMBIGIOUS error when using: <form #form="ngForm" memorizedForm>

2.0.0-alpha+3 #

New Features #

  • Add ngDisabled input to all Control directives.

Breaking Changes #

  • NgControlGroup can no longer be injected directly. It can still be injected as a ControlContainer.

  • NgControlName and NgFormControl can no longer be injected directly. They can still be injected as a NgControl.

  • CheckboxControlValueAccessor, DefaultValueAccessor, NumberValueAccessor, RadioControlValueAccessor, and NgSelectOption can no longer be injected directly.

2.0.0-alpha+2 #

Breaking Changes #

  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.46.0 <2.0.0".

  • Add ControlValueAccessor.onDisabledChanged() method. All implementations of ControlValueAccessor need to add this method.

  • Remove include and exclude methods from ControlGroup. These can be replaced with calls to markAsEnabled and markAsDisabled instead.

    Before: controlGroup.include('foo');

    After: controlGroup.controls['foo'].markAsEnabled();

  • CheckboxControlValueAccessor now implements ControlValueAccessor<bool> and RadioControlValueAccessor now implements ControlValueAccessor<RadioButtonState>. Previously, they were both ControlValueAccessor<dynamic>.

2.0.0-alpha+1 #

New Features #

  • Add MemorizedForm directive. This is a form that will not remove controls if the control is taken out of the view, for example with a [NgIf].

  • Add disabled state to AbstractControl models. Note: This is not yet supported in the template-driven directives.

Breaking Changes #

2.0.0-alpha #

NOTE: This used to be 1.0.1-alpha, but has changed to be 2.0.0-alpha due to the fact that there are breaking changes in the previous dev releases. Future development releases are moving to 2.x.x, and a 1.0.1 will never be released.

Breaking changes #

  • AbstractControl.find now only accepts a String. To supply a list, use AbstractControl.findPath instead. Also, for find or findPath, ControlArray index is now calling int.parse instead of expecting a raw number.

1.0.1-alpha+7 #

Breaking changes #

  • The following directives are no longer injectable:

    • NgControlStatus
    • RequiredValidator
    • MinLengthValidator
    • MaxLengthValidator
    • PatternValidator
  • Properly typed the generic parameter on subclasses of AbstractControlDirective. Now, NgControl.control will return a Control, and ControlContainer.control will return a ControlGroup. There may be some unnecessary casts that can now be cleaned up.

  • FormBuilder instance methods group, control, and array have been removed. For FormBuilder.control, just call new Control(value, validator) directly. For and FormBuilder.array, use the static methods FormBuilder.controlGroup and FormBuilder.controlArray, respectively. FormBuilder is no longer Injectable.

1.0.1-alpha+6 #

New features #

  • Add markAsUntouched method to AbstractControl.
  • Add a type annotation, T, to AbstractControl, which is tied to the type of value.
  • ControlGroup now extends AbstractControl<Map<String, dynamic>>.
  • ControlArray now extends AbstractControl<List>.

Breaking Changes #

  • Changed type of AbstractControl.statusChanges from Stream<dynamic> to Stream<String>. This now matches the type for AbstractControl.status, which as always been a String.

Deprecations #

  • FormBuilder instance methods group, control, and array are now deprecated. For FormBuilder.control, just call new Control(value, validator) directly. For and FormBuilder.array, use the static methods FormBuilder.controlGroup and FormBuilder.controlArray respectively. In a future release, FormBuilder will not not be Injectable.

1.0.1-alpha+5 #

Maintenance release, to support the latest package:angular alpha.

1.0.1-alpha+4 #

Maintenance release, to support the latest package:angular alpha.

1.0.1-alpha+3 #

  • Some documentation updates.
  • Dartium is no longer supported.

1.0.1-alpha+2 #

Maintenance release, to support the latest package:angular alpha.

1.0.1-alpha+1 #

  • Use the new generic function syntax, stop using package:func.
  • Don't throw a null pointer exception in NgFormModel if a directives asks for a Control value before the form is initialized.

1.0.1-alpha #

  • Support breaking changes in angular 5.0.0-alpha
  • Allow expressions for maxlength/minlength validators. Breaking change does not support string values for maxlength/minlength anymore. minlength="12" now should be written [minlength]="12"

1.0.0 #

  • Support for angular 4.0.0.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial commit of angular_forms.



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