angular_compiler 0.4.0-alpha+11 copy "angular_compiler: ^0.4.0-alpha+11" to clipboard
angular_compiler: ^0.4.0-alpha+11 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: ngcompiler
outdatedDart 1 only

Compiler for AngularDart.

0.4.0-alpha+11 #

  • Added ModuleReader.extractProviderObjects to use in the view compiler.
  • Added logFine as a new top-level API.

0.4.0-alpha+10 #

  • Maintenance release.
  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.46.0 <2.0.0".

0.4.0-alpha+9 #

Breaking changes #

  • TokenReader no longer supports arbitrary const objects or literals.

Bug Fixes #

  • Fixed a bug where the compiler crashed after resolving a bound type failed.

0.4.0-alpha+8 #

Breaking changes #

  • Removed use_new_template_parser flag. The old parser was removed.
  • Requires source_gen >= 0.7.6.
  • Removed support for parsing arbitrary objects or literal values as a provider token from TokenReader. In a future version of the compiler these arguments will be completely removed.
  • Removed $QueryList.

Bug Fixes #

  • Misspelled or otherwise erroneous annotations on classes now produce a more understandable error message, including the element that was annotated and the annotation that was not resolved.
  • Fix a bug where throwFailure hit an NPE without a stack trace.

0.4.0-alpha+7 #

  • Maintenance release.

0.4.0-alpha+6 #

New features #

  • Added an internal cli.dart library. See lib/cli.dart for details.
  • Added SplitDartEmitter for internal use.
  • Added $QueryList as a TypeChecker.
  • Expose the $Provider TypeChecker.

Bug fixes #

  • Removed all remaining (invalid) references to package:barback.

Breaking changes #

  • Added canRead to NgAssetReader.
  • Moved CompilerFlags and Profile to cli.dart.

0.4.0-alpha+5 #

Bug fixes #

  • linkTypeOf correctly resolves bound types (i.e. <T>) in most cases, and can fallback to dynamic otherwise.

Breaking changes #

  • Requires source_gen ^0.7.4+2 (was previously ^0.7.0).

  • linkToReference now requires a second parameter, a LibraryReader, and treats private types (i.e. prefixed with _) as dynamic as the compiler cannot point to them.

  • ReflectableEmitter has been completely replaced with a new implementation.

  • Removed all references and use of determining a "prefix" of a type. This was no longer used once ReflectableEmitter was re-written.

  • Removed a number of internal flags that were no longer strictly required.

0.4.0-alpha+4 #

Breaking changes #

  • ModuleReader.deduplicateProviders now returns a List not a Set, and providers that are multi are not removed, as it is a feature of the DI system to have multiple of them with the same token.

  • Add the TypeLink class, and replace uses of Uri.

  • Require code_builder ^3.0.0.

New features #

  • Added typeArgumentOf helper method.

  • Added ReflectableEmitter.useCodeBuilder, which uses package:code_builder instead of an ad-hoc string-based output for Dart code. Once this passes the same suite of tests the original strategy will be removed.

Bug fixes #

0.4.0-alpha+3 #

  • Added support for recognizing the MultiToken type.

0.4.0-alpha+2 #

  • CompilerFlags now supports as a fast_boot argument; default is true.
  • ReflectorEmitter now takes an optional deferredModules{Source}.

0.4.0-alpha+1 #

  • Now using code_builder: '>=2.0.0-beta <3.0.0'.

Bug fixes #

  • Correctly depend on analyzer: ^0.31.0-alpha.1.

0.4.0-alpha #

While technically a breaking change from 0.3.0, it will likely be safe for most users to set bound constraints that include 0.4.0; this will allow users of the 4.0.0 AngularDart release to utilize the new generator_inputs optimization.

  angular_compiler: '>=0.3.0 <0.5.0'

Breaking changes #

  • @Component and @Directive annotated classes are no longer @Injectable. In practice this means they can no loger be provided as an implicit const Provider(FooComponent) without either manually adding @Injectable or refactoring your code. We found this didn't really affect users, and most uses of components and directives in these lists were accidental.

New features #

  • Add generator_inputs flag support to CompilerFlags, to speed up builds that use barback (i.e. pub transformers). By default in pub it assumed that all files relative to the same package have the AngularDart transformer run on them:

This used to asynchronously block and wait for generation to complete, but at 0.3.1 will instead infer that a relative import will eventually have a generated file:

// foo.dart
import 'bar.dart';

While this could be considered a breaking change, in practice it should be breaking only if the $include or $exclude flags are being used to control what files have the AngularDart generator run on them. In that case, the flag can be controlled:

  - angular:
        - lib/foo.dart
        - lib/foo.dart      # Only foo.dart, not bar.dart.
        - lib/src/**.dart   # But include everything else.
  • Started adding experimental support for a new Module syntax.

Bug fixes #

  • Fix a bug in the outliner that did not the correct output extension.

0.3.0 #

  • Always link to export "...template.dart" files in initReflector().
  • Catch missing field-formal (this.) fields and warn in the compiler.
  • Does not emit a registerDependencies function call for empty constructors.
  • initReflector() no longer treats @Pipe as an @Injectable service.

0.2.2 #

  • Fixed the outliner to instruct the analyzer to ignore unused imports.
  • Add NgAssetReader.

0.2.1 #

  • Various changes internal to the compiler.

0.2.0 #

  • Added various classes and helpers to form the new compile infrastructure:
    • ComponentReader
    • DependencyReader, DependencyInvocation, DependencyElement
    • ProviderReader, ProviderElement
    • TokenReader, TypeTokenElement, OpaqueTokenElement
    • getInheritanceHierarchy, urlOf
    • ReflectableReader, ReflectableOutput, ReflectableClass

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed a bug where flag entry_points was only allowed to be a list.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial commit of angular_compiler.