amplify_storage_easy 1.0.0 amplify_storage_easy: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
The amplify_storage_easy package simplifies working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Amplify Storage in Dart projects. It provides a user-friendly and efficient way to upload to AWS S3 buckets while abs [...]
Example #
Here's an example of how to use the AWS SigV4 Dart Client:
import 'package:amplify_storage_easy/amplify_client.dart'
uploadData() {
// initialize AWSClient before using
accessKeyId: '', // your accessKeyId
secretKeyId: '', // your secretKeyId
region: '', // eg: ap-south-1
bucketname: '', // bucket name
s3Endpoint: '', // eg:
String? url = await AWSClient.uploadData(
folderName, fileName, data,
).then((res) {
if(res is String){
return res;
}else {
if(kDebugMode) {
return null;