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A versatile Flutter package providing a customizable search sheet widget for single and multi-select functionality, with support for custom search criteria, selection management, and flexible UI confi [...]

Algorithmic Search #

algorithmic_search is a Flutter package that provides a flexible, customizable search sheet widget. The SearchSheet widget supports both single and multi-select modes, making it suitable for various search and selection use cases in mobile applications.

Features #

  • Single and Multi-Select Modes: Easily switch between singleSelect and multiSelect modes using the SearchSheetController.
  • Customizable UI: Modify padding, spacing, search field decoration, and more to fit your app's design.
  • Selected Items Display: Optionally show selected items at the top in multiSelect mode.
  • Generic Search Functionality: Define custom search criteria to filter items based on user input.
  • Example App: Example code is included to demonstrate how to implement and use the SearchSheet widget in a Flutter application.

Getting Started #

To use this package, add algorithmic_search as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  algorithmic_search: ^0.0.1

Usage #

Basic Setup #

Import the package and create a SearchSheetController to manage selected items.

import 'package:algorithmic_search/algorithmic_search.dart';

// Initialize the controller with the desired selection type
final controller = SearchSheetController<String>(type: SearchSheetType.multiSelect);

Example Usage #

Here's an example of how to use the SearchSheet widget in a Flutter app:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:algorithmic_search/algorithmic_search.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Search Sheet Example',
      home: const SearchExamplePage(),

class SearchExamplePage extends StatelessWidget {
  const SearchExamplePage({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final List<String> items = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date", "Elderberry"];
    final controller = SearchSheetController<String>(type: SearchSheetType.multiSelect);

    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("Search Sheet Example")),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: () {
              context: context,
              builder: (_) {
                return SearchSheet<String>(
                  items: items,
                  controller: controller,
                  searchCriteria: (item, query) => item.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase()),
                  itemBuilder: (context, item) => ListTile(
                    title: Text(item),
                    trailing: Consumer<SearchSheetController<String>>(
                      builder: (context, controller, child) {
                        return Icon(
                          color: controller.selectedItems.contains(item) ? : Colors.grey,
                  onItemSelected: (item) {
                      SnackBar(content: Text("Selected item: $item")),
                  searchFieldDecoration: const InputDecoration(
                    labelText: "Search",
                    border: OutlineInputBorder(),
                  showSelectedItems: true,
          child: const Text("Open Search Sheet"),

Parameters #

  • items: List of items to display and search.
  • controller: The SearchSheetController that manages selection state.
  • searchCriteria: Function that filters items based on user input.
  • itemBuilder: Function that builds each item widget.
  • onItemSelected: Callback when an item is selected.
  • searchFieldDecoration: Custom decoration for the search field.
  • labelText: Label for the search field.
  • padding: Padding around the widget.
  • spacing and runSpacing: Spacing options for selected items in multiSelect mode.
  • showSelectedItems: Controls whether selected items are shown at the top.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.




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A versatile Flutter package providing a customizable search sheet widget for single and multi-select functionality, with support for custom search criteria, selection management, and flexible UI configurations.

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