algolia 1.1.2 copy "algolia: ^1.1.2" to clipboard
algolia: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard

Algolia is a pure dart SDK, wrapped around Algolia REST API for easy implementation for your Flutter or Dart projects.

Changelog #

1.1.2 #

Add custom params to requests #

  • [Added] Functionality that allows you to add custom query Contributed by @Aallam.
      AlgoliaQuery custom(String key, dynamic value) {
        return _copyWithParameters({key: value});

1.1.1 #

Fixed IO Compatibility for Web #

  • [Bug] Replaced dart:io with universal_io to fix web compatibility.

1.1.0+2 #

Analyze Fixes #

  • [Analyze] Update homepage in pubspec

1.1.0+1 #

Analyze Fixes #

  • [Analyze] Fixed static analysis

1.1.0 #

Analytical Improvements #

  • [Added] User Agent support while making request to Algolia api.

1.0.5+1 #

Analyze Fixes #

  • [Analyze] Fixed static analysis

1.0.5 #

Bug Fixes #

  • [Bug] Fix Algolia._apiCall returning Map<String, dynamic> instead of Response
  • [Bug] Fix Multiple Index query int query parameters
  • [Bug] Fix AlgoliaFacetValueSnapshot made objectID to optional value.

1.0.4 #

Implemented Fallback Request #

  • [Added] You can now worry less about retry action action on failure, as it just do it for you. In order to guarantee a very high availability, we implemented recommended retry strategy for all API calls on all your read and write actions. (Currently, fallback request is not supported for insight.)
  • [Added] AlgoliaSynonymsReference now easily set synonyms with just few lines of code
      // single
        objectID: '1',
        type: SynonymsType.synonym,
        synonyms: ['iphne', 'iphone', 'ipone'],
        forwardToReplicas: true,
      // batch
          objectID: '1',
          type: SynonymsType.synonym,
          synonyms: ['iphne', 'iphone', 'ipone'],
          forwardToReplicas: true,
  • [Added] deleteObjects Delete by query: now you can delete objects based on your query.
  • [Bug] addObject for add object without objectID has been fixed.
  • [Bug] setData for set object data has been fixed Issue #52
  • [Bug] partialUpdateObject for partial update object data has been fixed Issue #59

1.0.3 #

Bug fixes #

  • [Bug] queryId from QuerySnapshot was made nullable.

1.0.2 #

Added support for Facet Values & Insights #

  • [Added] Facet values AlgoliaFacetValueSnapshot: Now you can get list of all facet value to implement advance filtering options.

  • [Added] Insights implementation.

    // Create an Event
    AlgoliaEvent event = AlgoliaEvent(
      eventType: AlgoliaEventType.view,
      eventName: 'View contact',
      index: 'contacts',
      userToken: 'userId123',
    // Push Event
    await algolia.instance.pushEvents([event]);
  • [Added] queryId to query snapshot when click analytics is enabled.

  • [Bug] Fixed null error in query snapshot.

  • [Improved] Improved concurrency of snapshot interface by making constructor base multiple mapped value to a getter parameters.

1.0.1 #

Bug-fixes with improved debugging stability #

  • [Bug] faulty assert resolved for checking empty values #40
  • [Bug] Fixed all enum valued query and setting methods.
  • [Deprecated] Some AlgoliaQuery methods have been deprecated:
    • search() instead use query()
    • setSimilarQuery() instead use similarQuery()
    • setFilters() instead use filters()
    • setFacetFilter() instead use facetFilter()
    • setPaginationLimitedTo() This method is deprecated, not part of query parameters.
    • setSeparatorsToIndex() This method is deprecated, not part of query parameters.
  • [Added] Improved stability for debugging use .toString() to get working variables of the interface (applicable for all Algolia classes).
  • [Added] .toMap() to all data dictionary classes.

1.0.0+1 #

Stable release with Null-Safety #

  • Implemented analysis_options.yaml

1.0.0 #

Stable release with Null-Safety #

  • [Bug] #26
  • [Added] Add support of Null-safety
  • [Added] Under Query options:
    • In similarQuery Search
    • In languages 8/11
    • In query-rules 3/3
    • In personalization 3/3
    • In query-strategy 7/7
    • In performance 2/2
    • In advanced 11/15
  • [Added] Under Setting options:
    • In languages 8/11
    • In query-rules 3/3
    • In personalization 3/3
    • In query-strategy 7/7
    • In performance 2/2
    • In advanced 11/15
  • [Added] Add new error handling class AlgoliaError
  • [Upgrade] Bumped up http version

0.1.7 #

Bug fixes and added a new property #

  • [Bug] #14 Solved few health suggestion, to improve the health of the code.
  • [Added] Add support for facets_stats property returned by Algolia query

0.1.6+1 #

Improve library health #

  • [Bug] Solved few health suggestion, to improve the health of the code.

0.1.6 #

Added Multi-Query #

  • [Added] PR implementation of multipleQueries

      AlgoliaQuery queryA = algolia.instance.index('users').search('john');
      AlgoliaQuery queryB = algolia.instance.index('jobs').search('business');
      // Perform multiple facetFilters
      queryA = queryA.setFacetFilter('status:active');
      queryA = queryA.setFacetFilter('isDelete:false');
      // Perform multiple facetFilters
      queryB = queryB.setFacetFilter('isDelete:false');
      // Get Result/Objects
      List<AlgoliaQuerySnapshot> snap =
          await algolia.multipleQueries.addQueries([queryA, queryB]).getObjects();  

0.1.5 #

Added New Functionalities #

  • [Bug] Solved a technical reported bug #11
  • [Added] Copy, Move Index functionalities.
  • [Added] PR implementation of replaceAllObjects()

0.1.4+3 #

Improve library health #

  • [Bug] Solved few health suggestion, to improve the health of the code.

0.1.4+2 #

Added few advance query references and solved bugs #

  • [Bug] .setFacetFilter(dynamic value) can now accept String or List
  • [Added] AttributeForDistinct (Advance)
  • [Added] Distinct (Advance)
  • [Added] GetRankingInfo (Advance)
  • [Added] ClickAnalytics (Advance)

0.1.4+1 #

Added support facets #

  • Added facets to AlgoliaQuerySnapshot to list facets name with hits count.

0.1.3+2 #

Implementation & bug solved #

  • highlightResult [Bug] (commit ref: 0d76d24fe8aa347a0933920afe5ded43bdcbd68b)
  • snippetResult [Implementation] (commit ref: 0d76d24fe8aa347a0933920afe5ded43bdcbd68b)

0.1.3+1 #

Added support to manage index settings #

  • Updated example.dart: Added index settings example.
  • Updated index .setSettings() response to AlgoliaTask.

0.1.3 #

Added support to manage index settings #

  • Added support to manage index settings (Get & Set), limited to 24 settings parameters, more to be added in newer releases.

0.1.2 #

Added new query params #

  • OptionalFilter (Filtering)
  • NumericFilter (Filtering)
  • TagFilter (Filtering)
  • SumOrFiltersScore (Filtering)
  • AroundLatLng (Geo Search)
  • AroundLatLngViaIP (Geo Search)
  • AroundRadius (Geo Search)
  • AroundPrecision (Geo Search)
  • MinimumAroundRadius (Geo Search)
  • InsideBoundingBox (Geo Search)
  • InsidePolygon (Geo Search)
  • MinWordSizefor1Typo (Typo)
  • MinWordSizefor2Typos (Typo)
  • TypoTolerance (Typo)
  • AllowTyposOnNumericTokens (Typo)
  • DisableTypoToleranceOnAttributes (Typo)
  • DisableTypoToleranceOnWords (Typo)
  • SeparatorsToIndex (Typo)

0.1.1 #

Added example #

  • Bug fixes.
  • Removed Flutter direct dependency to support universal dart projects.

0.1.0 #

Initial Release #

  • Initial release.
pub points



Algolia is a pure dart SDK, wrapped around Algolia REST API for easy implementation for your Flutter or Dart projects.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


unknown (license)


http, meta, universal_io, uuid


Packages that depend on algolia