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Aiuta Flutter SDK project.

Aiuta Digital Try On SDK for Flutter #

This repo contains the Aiuta Digital Try On flutter library as a plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.

Permissions #

iOS #

Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in <project root>/ios/Runner/Info.plist:

  • NSCameraUsageDescription: Required Please describe why your app needs access to the camera so that Aiuta can request permission to use the camera from the user. This is called Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description in the visual editor.
  • NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription: Optional Please describe why your app needs permission for the photo library so that Aiuta can request permission to save the generated image to the Photo Gallery from the user. This is called Privacy - Camera Usage Description in the visual editor.

Android #

No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.

Usage #

Configuration #

Please see the lib/configuration/aiuta_configuration.dart and its imports to observe the available configuration.

Try-on #

Call the startAiutaFlow(AiutaProduct) method on the configured Aiuta object to provide virtual try-on functionality to the user.

Product #

lib/models/product/aiuta_product.dart represents the information about a SKU in the Aiuta platform.


  • skuId: String: A unique identifier for the SKU.
  • catalogName: String: The catalog identifier the SKU belongs to. It is recommended not to specify a skuCatalog unless it is explicitly necessary.
  • imageUrls: List<String>: A list of URLs pointing to the images of the SKU.
  • title: String: The title of the SKU.
  • brand: String: The brand of the SKU.
  • localizedPrice: String?: The price of the SKU. Should be formatted with a currency symbol.
  • localizedOldPrice: String?: The old price of the SKU, if available. Should be formatted with a currency symbol.
  • additionalShareInfo: String?: Additional information that will be passed to the share along with the generated image.
  • inWishlist: bool: Indicates whether this item is on the user's wish list to display this status correctly.

Example Usage #

final aiuta = Aiuta(configuration: AiutaConfiguration(...));
aiuta.startTryonFlow(product: AiutaProduct(...));




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Aiuta Flutter SDK project.



unknown (license)


flutter, json_annotation, plugin_platform_interface


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