advance_expansion_tile 1.0.2
advance_expansion_tile: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
1. It allows you to manually collapse, exapnd or toggle expansion tile. It allows you to disable the click
Advance Expansion Tile #

- It allows you to manually collapse, expand or toggle expansion tile
- It allows you to hide the default icon
- It allows you to disable click of the expansion tile
- It provides the onTap callback whenever the expansion tile gets clicked
Getting Started #
Exapnd, Collapse, Toggle Manually #
To do so, you need to create global key first.
final GlobalKey<AdvanceExpansionTileState> _globalKey = GlobalKey();
///To exapnd
///To collapse
///To toggle
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Properties #
/// use to hide the default trailing icon
bool hideIcon
///use to disable the click of the expansion tile
bool disabled
///use to listen click event once the expansion tile gets clicked.
VoidCallback onTap
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