adv_image_picker 1.0.2 adv_image_picker: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
An advanced image picker with our custom UI
1.0.2 #
- Fix Android force closed when select image from gallery
1.0.1 #
- Adding maxSize to pick image from camera
- Some bug fixing
1.0.0 #
- [Breaking Change] try to upgrade to 1.9.1
- Using new Camera
0.3.3 #
- Fix onPermissionRationaleShouldBeShown to continue request permission
0.3.2 #
- Fix terminated apps when used under Flutter 1.5.4
- Using Image List plugin to enhance user-experience when scrolling through local image
0.3.1 #
- Change dependency to photo_view to 0.3.0
0.3.0 #
- Breaking change: Flutter upgrade to 1.5.4
0.2.3 #
- PIT Components dependency upgraded
0.2.2 #
- Rotation bug and bug after lock screen fixed
0.2.1 #
- AndroidX Upgrade fixes (dexter dependency)
0.2.0+3 #
- AndroidX Upgrade fixes (dexter dependency)
0.2.0+2 #
- AndroidX Upgrade fixes
0.2.0+1 #
- Upgrade to AndroidX
0.2.0 #
- Upgrade to AndroidX
0.1.2 #
- Avoiding AndroidX
0.1.1 #
- Result Null Checking fixes
0.1.0 #
- Dependencies to stable channel Flutter
0.0.7 #
- Dependencies error fixed
0.0.6 #
- Android FileProvider error fix
0.0.5 #
- Bug Fixed
0.0.4 #
- Bug Fixed
0.0.3 #
- Bug Fixed
0.0.2 #
- Toggle to switch enable multiple select and enable only Camera / Gallery added
0.0.1 #
- Initial Release