adspostx_flutter 0.0.15 copy "adspostx_flutter: ^0.0.15" to clipboard
adspostx_flutter: ^0.0.15 copied to clipboard

AdsPostX offers a Flutter plugin designed to help you integrate AdsPostX into your Flutter mobile application within minutes.

adspostx_flutter #

AdsPostX offers a Flutter plugin designed to help you integrate AdsPostX into your Flutter mobile application within minutes and start generating more revenue and increasing sales.

Integration Guide #

please visit [] to get all details about integrating adspostx_flutter plugin into your Flutter app.

Usage #

To init AdsPostX. #

  • sdkId - should be valid SDK ID.
Future<void> init(String sdkId, BuildContext context) async {
    bool status = false;
  // show some loading indicator...
    try {
      status = await _adspostxPlugin.init(sdkId);
      // hide loading indicator, if status = true, mean we are ready to load offers now.
    } on PlatformException catch (error) {
      // hide loading indicator, and handle error gracefully.

To Load Offers. #

  • if you don't want to pass any attributes then pass it as '{}'.
  • example of non-empty attribute: {"name": "dev", "country": "usa"}
Future<void> loadOffers(Map attributes, BuildContext context) async {
    bool status = false;
    // show loading indicator..
    // in case of no attribute needed, pass {}.

    try {
      status = await _adspostxPlugin.loadOffers(attributes);
    // hide loading indicator, if status = true, mean we are ready to show offers now.
    } on PlatformException catch (error) {
    // hide loading indicator, and handle error gracefully.

To Show Offers. #

  • presentationStyle = 0 - pop up
  • presentationStyle = 1 - full screen
  • value of topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin, leftMargin should be between 0 to 15.
Future<void> showOffers(int presentationStyle, bool isTransparent,
      int topMargin, int rightMargin, int bottomMargin, int leftMargin) async {
    bool status = false;
     try {
      status = await _adspostxPlugin.showOffers(
          leftMargin, (dismissStatus) {
        log("Offer dismiss status is: $dismissStatus");
      log("show offers status: $status");
    } on PlatformException catch (error) {
//      utility.showAlert(error.message as String);

To Set Environment #

  • environment = 0 - for LIVE
  • environment = 1 - for TEST
Future<void> setEnvironment(int environment) async {
      // environment must be either 0 or 1. 0 - live environment, 1 - test environment.
    bool status = false;
    try {
      status = await _adspostxPlugin.setEnvironment(environment);
      log("setEnvironment status: $status");
    } on PlatformException catch (error) {
      log(error.message as String);

To Enable DebugLog #

Future<void> enableDebugLog(bool shouldEnable) async {
    bool status = false;
    try {
      status = await _adspostxPlugin.enableDebugLog(shouldEnable);
      log("enableDebugLog status: $status");
    } on PlatformException catch (error) {
      log(error.message as String);


unverified uploader

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AdsPostX offers a Flutter plugin designed to help you integrate AdsPostX into your Flutter mobile application within minutes.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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