adrop_ads_flutter 0.2.9 copy "adrop_ads_flutter: ^0.2.9" to clipboard
adrop_ads_flutter: ^0.2.9 copied to clipboard

AdropAds flutter plugin that shows ads using native platform views

AdropAds #

Adrop ads plugin for flutter

pub package

Prerequisites #

  • Install your preferred editor or IDE.
  • Make sure that your app meets the following requirements:
    • Android
      • Targets API level 23 (M) or higher
      • Uses Android 6.0 or higher
        • minSdkVersion 23
      • Uses Jetpack (AndroidX), which includes meeting these version requirements:
        • v7.3.0 or later
        • compileSdkVersion 33
    • iOS
      • ios 13.0
      • swift 5.0
  • Install Flutter for your specific operating system, including the following:
    • Flutter SDK
    • Supporting libraries
    • Platform-specific software and SDKs
  • Sign into Adrop using your email or Google account.

Step 1: Create a Adrop project #

Before you can add Adrop to your Flutter app, you need to create a Adrop project to connect to your app.

Step 2: Register your app with Adrop #

To use Adrop in your Flutter app, you need to register your app with your Adrop project. Registering your app is often called "adding" your app to your project.


Make sure to enter the package name that your app is actually using. The package name value is case-sensitive, and it cannot be changed for this Adrop Android app after it's registered with your Adrop project.

  1. Go to the Adrop console.
  2. In the center of the project app page, click the Flutter icon button to launch the setup workflow.
  3. Enter your app's package name in the Flutter package name field.
    • A package name uniquely identifies your app on the device and in the Google Play Store or App Store.
    • A package name is often referred to as an application ID.
    • Be aware that the package name value is case-sensitive, and it cannot be changed for this Adrop Flutter app after it's registered with your Adrop project.
  4. Enter other app information: App nickname.
    • App nickname: An internal, convenience identifier that is only visible to you in the Adrop console
  5. Click Register app and then Android and Apple apps will be created respectively.

Step 3: Add a Adrop configuration file #


  1. Download adrop_service.json to obtain your Adrop Android platforms config file.
  2. Move your config file into your assets directory. android/app/src/main/assets/adrop_service.json


  1. Download adrop_service.json to obtain your Adrop Apple platforms config file.
  2. Move your config file into the root of your Xcode project. If prompted, select to add the config file to all targets.

Step 4: Add Adrop plugin to your app #

From your Flutter project directory, run the following command to install the plugin.

flutter pub add adrop_ads_flutter

Install the pods, then open your .xcworkspace file to see the project in Xcode:

pod install --repo-update

Step 5: Initialize Adrop in your app #

The final step is to add initialization code to your application.

  1. Import the Adrop plugin.
import 'package:adrop_ads_flutter/adrop_ads_flutter.dart';
  1. Also in your lib/main.dart file, initialize Adrop.
void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {

  Future<void> initialize() async {
    // ..
    // true for production
    await Adrop.initialize(false);

  1. Rebuild your Flutter application.
flutter run

(Optional) Troubleshooting #

# Add this line to your Podfile

# ...
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|

    # Add this line to your Podfile
    config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Create your Ad unit #


From the Adrop console, go to project, then select Ad unit in the left navigation menu to create and manage Ad units. Ad units are containers you place in your apps to show ads to users. Ad units send ad requests to Adrop, then display the ads they receive to fill the request. When you create an ad unit, you assign it an ad format and ad type(s).

Creating Ad units #

To create a new Ad unit:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Ad Units.
  2. Select Create Ad unit to bring up the ad unit builder.
  3. Enter an Ad unit name, then select your app (iOS or Android) and Ad format (Banner, Interstitial, or Rewarded).
  4. Select Create to save your Ad unit.

Ad unit ID #

The Ad unit’s unique identifier to reference in your code. This setting is read-only.

Note These are unit ids for test


Display AdropBannerView #

Initialize AdropBannerView with Ad unit ID, then load ad.

class YourComponentState extends State<YourComponent> {

  final unitId = "";
  bool isLoaded = false;
  AdropBannerView? bannerView;

  void initState() {

    bannerView = AdropBannerView(
      unitId: unitId,
      listener: AdropBannerListener(
        onAdReceived: (unitId) {
          setState(() {
            isLoaded = true;
        onAdFailedToReceive: (unitId, error) {
          setState(() {
            isLoaded = false;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
            onPressed: () {
            child: const Text('Reload Ad!')),
        bannerView != null && isLoaded ?
            width: screenWidth,
            height: 80,
            child: bannerView) : Container(),

Dispose AdropBannerView #

AdropBannerView must be disposed of when access to it is no longer needed.

void dispose() {



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AdropAds flutter plugin that shows ads using native platform views

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flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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