adjeminpay_flutter 0.1.2+1
adjeminpay_flutter: ^0.1.2+1 copied to clipboard
The flutter sdk to make hassle free online payments via mobile money.
AdjeminPay Flutter #
With AdjeminPay, integrating mobile money payments in your flutter app becomes super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Using #
The package generates a payment gate, and when the pay user is finished paying, the payment gate return the payment result.
Follow the steps below :
Step 1. Get and store your credentials in a constants files #
Sign up and create a merchant application for free at AdjeminPay to get an apiKey and an applicationId.
Then store them in a config/constants/env file where you keep all your other constant data.
const Map adpConfig = {
// Your apiKey
'apiKey': "eyJpdiI6IkpNQ05tWmtGc0FVbWc1VFhFM",
// Your applicationId
'applicationId': "99f99e",
// The notifyUrl is a url for your web backend if you use any
// A post request with the {transactionId, status, message}
// will be sent to this url when the payment is terminated (successful, failed, cancelled, or if an error occured)
// This not required as the package allows you to excute a callback
// on paymentTerminated
'notifyUrl': "",
Step 2. Import the package #
Add the adjeminpay_flutter package as a dependancy in your pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
Then import it to your cart screen
import 'package:adjeminpay_flutter/adjeminpay_flutter.dart';
Your cart_screen
is where you will show your users the items they will pay for.
Step 3. Build your cart screen #
Build a cart screen to finalize the payment.
You can find a beautiful cart screen example from Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller in the Example file.
Step 4. Have your order/transaction data ready #
Store the data about the payment your user is about to make.
NB: It is recommended you store the payment data in your database before executing the payment function.
This example uses a basic Map for storing data about an order but it could be anything, from transactions, to payment, anything that needs online payment.
Map<String, dynamic> myOrder = {
// ! required transactionId or orderId
'transactionId': "UniqueTransactionId" +,
// ! required total amount
'totalAmount': 1000,
// optional your orderItems data
'items': [
'id': '1',
'productId': 'prod1',
'price': 100,
'quantity': 1,
'title': 'Product 1 title',
'id': '2',
'productId': 'prod9',
'price': 300,
'quantity': 3,
'title': 'Product 9 title',
'currency': "XOF",
'designation': "Order Title",
'payerName': "ClientName",
Step 5. Add a function to launch the payment gate and handle the payment result #
Copy-paste this function that takes in the order data and extracts the fields needed by the payment api.
required fields
The following fiels are required:
: You can get it inStep 1.
: You can get it inStep 1.
: Unique id for everyone of your payments, max 191 charactersdesignation
: What your user will see as what they're paying foramount
: Obviously, right ?
optional fields
These fields are optional:
: A url you set in your web backend. A post request with the payment result (a json containing {transactionId, status, message}) will be sent to that url when the payment is completed (successful, failed, cancelled, expired) to allow you to update the order/transaction status in your database directly from your backend. This field is optional, since you could do such an update as a callback from your flutter app. NB: If you do want to use the notifyUrl, please check out our php sdk for how to catch the notification. -
: Currency for the payment NB: As of version ^0.1 onlyXOF
is supported, so check back soon for more -
: The name of your user NB: It is recommended that you provide it in your payment data as it saves your user the hassle of having to type it in the payment gate.
Now let's implement the payment handler function
NB: This function and the callbacks will be included directly in the library in future versions.
void payWithAdjeminPay(dynamic orderData) async {
// paymentResult will yield {transactionId, status, message }
// once the payment gate is closed by the user
// ! IMPORTANT : make sure to save the orderData in your database first
// ! before calling this function
Map<String, dynamic> paymentResult = await Navigator.push(
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) =>
// The AdjeminPay class
// ! required apiKey
apiKey: adpConfig['apiKey'],
// ! required applicationId required
applicationId: adpConfig['applicationId'],
// ! required transactionId required
// for you to follow the transaction
// or retrieve it later
// should be a string < 191 and unique for your application
transactionId: "${orderData['transactionId']}",
// notifyUrl for your web backend
notifyUrl: "https://your.backend.api/notifyUrl",
// amount: int.parse("${orderData['totalAmount']}"),
// ! required amount
// amount the user is going to pay
// should be an int
amount: int.parse("${orderData['totalAmount']}"),
// currency code
// currently supported currency is XOF
currency: "XOF",
// ! required designation
// the name the user will see as what they're paying for
designation: orderData['designation'],
// designation: widget.element.title,
// the name of your user
payerName: orderData['clientName'],
// * Here you define your callbacks
// Callback if the paymentResult is null
// the payment gate got closed without sending back any data
if (paymentResult == null) {
print("<<< Payment Gate Unexpectedly closed");
Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Payment Status is ${paymentResult['status']}")));
// Callback on payment successfully
if (paymentResult['status'] == "SUCCESSFUL") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay success");
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment failed
if (paymentResult['status'] == "FAILED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay failed");
// the reason with be mentionned in the paymentResult['message']
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment cancelled
if (paymentResult['status'] == "CANCELLED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay cancelled");
// the reason with be mentionned in the paymentResult['message']
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment cancelled
if (paymentResult['status'] == "EXPIRED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay expired");
// The user took too long to approve or refuse payment
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on initialisation error
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR_CONFIG") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay Init error");
// You didn't specify a required field
// or your apiKey or applicationId are not valid
// Callback in case
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay Error");
// You specified :
// - a transactionId that has already been used
// -
// Callback when AdjeminPay requests aren't completed
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR_HTTP") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay oups");
print("Could not reach AdjeminPay Servers");
Here's the same function without the comments :
void payWithAdjeminPay(dynamic orderData) async {
Map<String, dynamic> paymentResult = await Navigator.push(
new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) =>
apiKey: adpConfig['apiKey'],
applicationId: adpConfig['applicationId'],
transactionId: "${orderData['transactionId']}",
notifyUrl: "https://your.backend.api/notifyUrl",
amount: int.parse("${orderData['totalAmount']}"),
// currency: "XOF",
design ation: orderData['designation'],
payerName: orderData['clientName'],
if (paymentResult == null) {
print("<<< Payment Gate Unexpectedly closed");
Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text("Payment Status is ${paymentResult['status']}")));
// Callback on payment successfully
if (paymentResult['status'] == "SUCCESSFUL") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay success");
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment failed
if (paymentResult['status'] == "FAILED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay failed");
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment cancelled
if (paymentResult['status'] == "CANCELLED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay cancelled");
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on payment cancelled
if (paymentResult['status'] == "EXPIRED") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay expired");
print("Reason is : " + paymentResult['message']);
// redirect to or show another screen
// Callback on initialisation error
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR_CONFIG") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay Init error");
// Callback in case
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay Error");
// Callback when AdjeminPay requests aren't completed
if (paymentResult['status'] == "ERROR_HTTP") {
print("<<< AdjeminPay oups");
print("Could not reach AdjeminPay Servers");
Step 6. Pass the function above to your "Order Now" button #
child: _isLoading
? CircularProgressIndicator()
: Text('ORDER NOW'),
onPressed: (myOrder['totalAmount'] == null ||
myOrder['totalAmount'] <= 0 ||
? null
: () {
// **** Payment Management Here
// you first store the Order's data in
// your database where you create a unique transaction Id
// for example : await storeOrderData(myOrder);
// then you call the payment function
textColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
Step 7. You're all done #
Congratulations ! You just integrated mobile money payment to your flutter app. Happy coding (><)/ !
Complete Example #
You can find a basic example at Example
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