address_search_field 3.0.3+1 copy "address_search_field: ^3.0.3+1" to clipboard
address_search_field: ^3.0.3+1 copied to clipboard


An address search field which helps to autocomplete an address by a reference. It can be used to get Directions beetwen two points.

Address Search Field #

Widget builders to create 'address search widgets' which helps to autocomplete an address using a reference. They can be used to get Directions beetwen two places with optional waypoints. These widgets are made to be showed by onTap in a TextField with the showDialog function. It uses HTTP, Location, Google Maps for Flutter plugins. (This last plugin is to use extended objects that can be usable with GoogleMap Widget).

Getting Started #

To use this plugin, add address_search_field as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. For example:

  address_search_field: ^3.0.3+1

Permissions #

Android #

On Android you'll need to add the internet permission to your Android Manifest file (located under android/app/src/main). To do so add next lines as direct child of the <manifest> tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

iOS #

On iOS you'll need to add the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription to your Info.plist file (located under ios/Runner) in order to access the device's location. Simply open your Info.plist file and add the following:

<string>Permission to get your location</string>

Usage #

Import the package:

import 'package:address_search_field/address_search_field.dart';

GeoMethods #

  googleApiKey: String,
  language: String,
  countryCode: String,
  country: String,
  city: String,
  mode: String,
  • This object makes calls to Google APIs using the parameters set. It can do requests to Google places, geocode and directions APIs.
  • Language support list here.
  • List of countries here.

AddressSearchBuilder #

This widget is a builder which provides of parameters and methods to create a widget that can search addresses and permits to work with them using an Address object.

  geoMethods: GeoMethods,
  controller: TextEditingController,
  builder: (
    BuildContext context,
    AsyncSnapshot<List<Address>> snapshot, {
    TextEditingController controller,
    Future<void> Function() searchAddress,
    Future<Address> Function(Address address) getGeometry,
  }) {
    // building example
    return AddressSearchDialog(
      snapshot: snapshot,
      controller: controller,
      searchAddress: searchAddress,
      getGeometry: getGeometry,
      onDone: (address) => null,

AddressSearchDialog shouldn't be used alone. It needs parameters from AddressSearchBuilder. The best way to use this widget is using AddressSearchBuilder.deft, which will just use an AddressDialogBuilder and it's an easier implementation.

  geoMethods: GeoMethods,
  controller: TextEditingController,
  builder: AddressDialogBuilder(),
  onDone: (Address address) {},

AddressDialogBuilder #

This builder uses parameters to customize an AddressSearchDialog which is called from AddressSearchBuilder.

  color: Color,
  backgroundColor: Color,
  hintText: String,
  noResultText: String,
  cancelText: String,
  continueText: String,
  useButtons: bool,

RouteSearchBox #

This is a special widget with a builder which provides of three AddressSearchBuilder to search an origin Address, destination Address and optionally waypoints in a List<Address>. This widget is used to get directions from the points got by the builder's AddressSearchBuilders. A completed example of how to use this widget could be found here.

  originIsMyLocation: bool,
  onOriginLoading: String,
  onOriginError: String,
  geoMethods: GeoMethods,
  originCtrlr: TextEditingController,
  destinationCtrlr: TextEditingController,
  builder: (
    BuildContext context,
    AddressSearchBuilder originBuilder,
    AddressSearchBuilder destinationBuilder, {
    Future<Directions> Function() getDirections,
    void Function() relocate,
    AddressSearchBuilder waypointBuilder,
    WaypointsManager waypointsMgr,
  }) {
    // building example
    return TextField(
      controller: originCtrlr,
      onTap: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
            (context) => 
          builder: AddressDialogBuilder(),
          onDone: (address) => null,

License #

MIT License

pub points



An address search field which helps to autocomplete an address by a reference. It can be used to get Directions beetwen two points.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, google_maps_flutter, http, location


Packages that depend on address_search_field