adaptive_extensions 0.0.2
adaptive_extensions: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
Based on material widgets, this package provides some simple adaptive conversions to Cupertino widgets.
Screencast #
Basic Concept #
This package is composed with extentions of MaterialWidget. So these extensions are return material widget as 'this'.
extension Adaptive on Material {
dynamic adaptive({}){
if (forceCupertino || Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS) {
return Cupertino;
} else {
return this; // Material;
Example #
onPressed: showAdaptiveSnackbar,
child: const Text('Adaptive TextButton'),
Available Widgets #
Widget | Material | Cupertino | adaptive_extensions |
TextButton | TextButton | CupertinoButton | TextButton.adaptive |
TextButton with icon | TextButton.icon | CupertinoButton | TextButton.adaptive(icon:Icon) |
FilledButton | FilledButton | CupertinoButton.filled | FilledButton.adaptive |
FilledButton with icon | FilledButton.icon | CupertinoButton.filled | FilledButton.adaptive(icon:Icon) |
ListTile | ListTile | CupertinoListTile | ListTile.adaptive |
SnackBar or Toast | SnackBar | Toast-like SnackBar | SnackBar.adaptive |
on working: segmentbutton
Available ThemeData #
Theme | Material | Cupertino | adaptive_extensions |
SnackBar or Toast | SnackBarThemeData | Toast-like SnackBarThemeData | SnackBarThemeData.adaptive |
AppBarTheme | AppBarTheme | Cupertino-like AppBarTheme | AppBarTheme.adaptive |
Installation #
Provides simple extensions for material widgets.
Usage #
Find material widgets and add adaptive() after them.
The extensions are automatically convert to Cupertino widgets only if the platform is IOS or MacOS.
final TextButton textbutton = TextButton(your code).adaptive();
final FilledButton filledButton = FilledButton(your code).adaptive();
// if you want to use TextButton.icon add icon inside the adaptive
final textbutton = TextButton(your code).adaptive(icon:Icon(;
Additional #
If you are looking for Switch,Slider,CircularProgressIndicator,CheckBox, or Radio, visit the Official document Automatic platform adaptations.
If you are looking for some adaptive dialogs, I suggest you to use adaptive_dialog package written by
If you need more platform adaptive widgets, also see flutter_platform_widgets of