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A Dart Package for Ethiopian Calendar system (ባሕረ ሃሳብ). This package can hep you integrate Ethiopian calendar system into your dart or flutter application. It also includes, Ethiopian Date and Time re [...]

Abushakir (ባሕረ ሃሳብ) #

The words Bahire Hasab originate from the ancient language of Ge'ez, ( Arabic: Abu Shakir) is a time-tracking method, devised by the 12th pope of Alexandria, Pope St. Dimitri.

What does it mean? #

"Bahire Hasab /'bəhrɛ həsəb'/ " simply means "An age with a descriptive and chronological number". In some books it can also be found as "Hasabe Bahir", in a sense giving time an analogy, resembling a sea.

This package allows developers to implement Ethiopian Calendar and Datetime System in their application(s)`.

This package is implemented using the UNIX EPOCH which means it's not a conversion of any other calendar system into Ethiopian, for instance, Gregorian Calendar.

Unix Epoch is measured using milliseconds since 01 Jan, 1970 UTC. In unix epoch leap seconds are ignored.

Prerequisites #

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • equatable= ^1.1.0

Getting started #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  abushakir: "^0.0.1"

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:abushakir/abushakir.dart';

Example #

   * Ethiopian Datetime Module [EtDatetime]
  EtDatetime now = new EtDatetime.now(); // => 2012-07-28 17:18:31.466
  print(now.date); // => {year: 2012, month: 7, day: 28}
  print(now.time); // => {h: 17, m: 18, s: 31}

  EtDatetime covidFirstConfirmed = new EtDatetime(year: 2012, month: 7, day: 4);
  EtDatetime covidFirstConfirmedEpoch =
      new EtDatetime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(covidFirstConfirmed.moment);

  EtDatetime covidFirstDeath = EtDatetime.parse("2012-07-26 23:00:00");

  /// Comparison of two EtDatetime Instances
  Duration daysWithOutDeath = covidFirstConfirmed.difference(covidFirstDeath);

  assert(daysWithOutDeath.inDays == -22, true); // 22 days

  assert(covidFirstDeath.isAfter(covidFirstConfirmed), true);

  assert(covidFirstDeath.isBefore(now), true);

  assert(covidFirstConfirmed.isAtSameMomentAs(covidFirstConfirmedEpoch), true);

   * Ethiopian Calendar Module [ETC]
  ETC ethiopianCalendar = new ETC(year: 2012, month: 7, day: 4);

  print(ethiopianCalendar.monthDays(geezDay: true, weekDayName:true)); // Iterable Object of the given month
  print(ethiopianCalendar.monthDays().toList()[0]); // => [2012, 7, ፩, አርብ]
  // [year, month, dateNumber, dateNameIndex], Monday as First weekday

  print(ethiopianCalendar.nextMonth); // => ETC instance of nextMonth, same year
  print(ethiopianCalendar.prevYear); // => ETC instance of prevYear, same month

   * Bahire Hasab Module [BahireHasab]
  BahireHasab bh = BahireHasab(year: 2011);
//  BahireHasab bh = BahireHasab(); // Get's the current year

  print(bh.getEvangelist(returnName: true)); // => ሉቃስ

  print(bh.getSingleBealOrTsom("ትንሳኤ")); // {month: ሚያዝያ, date: 20}

  bh.allAtswamat; // => List of All fasting and Movable holidays

For further implementation example see this flutter application

Contributors #

Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:

Contact #

If you want to contact me you can reach me at daniel@ibrave.dev.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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A Dart Package for Ethiopian Calendar system (ባሕረ ሃሳብ). This package can hep you integrate Ethiopian calendar system into your dart or flutter application. It also includes, Ethiopian Date and Time reckoning system and help you to get all the movable fastings with respective holidays.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on abushakir