ably_flutter 1.2.12 copy "ably_flutter: ^1.2.12" to clipboard
ably_flutter: ^1.2.12 copied to clipboard


A wrapper around Ably's Cocoa and Java client library SDKs, providing iOS and Android support.

Ably Flutter Plugin #

.github/workflows/check.yaml .github/workflows/docs.yml .github/workflows/flutter_integration.yaml

Ably is the platform that powers synchronized digital experiences in realtime. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, receiving realtime financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experiences as standard. Ably provides a suite of APIs to build, extend, and deliver powerful digital experiences in realtime for more than 250 million devices across 80 countries each month. Organizations like Bloomberg, HubSpot, Verizon, and Hopin depend on Ably’s platform to offload the growing complexity of business-critical realtime data synchronization at global scale. For more information, see the Ably documentation.

Overview #

A Flutter plugin for Ably, built on top of Ably's iOS and Android SDKs.

Resources #

Supported Platforms #

iOS #

iOS 10 or newer.

Android #

API Level 19 (Android 4.4, KitKat) or newer.

This project uses Java 8 language features, utilising Desugaring to support lower versions of the Android runtime (i.e. API Levels prior to 24)

If your project needs support for SDK Version lower than 24, Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0+ must be used. You might also need to upgrade gradle distribution accordingly.

Updating to a newer version #

When increasing the version of ably_flutter in your pubspec.yaml, there may be breaking changes. To migrate code across these breaking changes, follow the updating / migration guide.

Known Limitations #

Features that we do not currently support, but we do plan to add in the future:

  • Ably token generation (#105)
  • REST and Realtime Stats (#106)
  • Custom transportParams (#108)
  • Push Notifications Admin (#109)
  • Remember fallback host during failures (#47)

Example app #

Running example app #

  • To run the example app, you need an Ably API key. Create a free account on ably.com and then use your API key from there in the example app.
  • Clone the project
  • For Android, a Firebase instance configuration is required to build the app. In order run the application on Android device:
    • Create a Firebase project following official Firebase guide (you can also use an existing one)
    • Register the sample app with your Firebase project using io.ably.flutter.example as package name
    • Download google_services.json file from Firebase and put it into example/android/app directory

Android Studio / IntelliJ Idea

Under the run/ debug configuration drop down menu, click Edit Configurations.... Duplicate the Example App (Duplicate and modify) configuration. Leave the "Store as project file" unchecked to avoid committing your Ably API key into a repository. Update this new run configuration's additional run args with your ably API key. Run or debug the your new run/ debug configuration.

Drop down menu for Run/Debug Configurations in Android Studio

Run/Debug Configurations window in Android Studio

Visual Studio Code

  • Under Run and Debug,
    • Select the gear icon to view launch.json
    • Add your Ably API key to the configurations.args, i.e. replace replace_with_your_api_key with your own Ably API key.
    • To choose a specific device when more than one are connected: to launch on a specific device, make sure it is the only device plugged in. To run on a specific device when you have multiple plugged in, add another element to the configuration.args value, with --device-id=replace_with_device_id
      • Make sure to replace replace_with_your_device with your device ID from flutter devices
  • select the example configuration

Command Line using the Flutter Tool

  • Change into the example app directory: cd example
  • Install dependencies: flutter pub get
  • Launch the application: flutter run --dart-define ABLY_API_KEY=put_your_ably_api_key_here, remembering to replace put_your_ably_api_key_here with your own API key.
    • To choose a specific device when more than one are connected: get your device ID using flutter devices, and then running flutter run --dart-define=ABLY_API_KEY=put_your_ably_api_key_here --device-id replace_with_device_id

Push Notifications #

See PushNotifications.md for detailed information on getting PN working with the example app.

Troubleshooting #

  • Running on simulator on M1 macs:
    • Flutter has added support for running apps on the iOS simulator running on M1 architecture, but this is not yet available on the stable branch. In the mean time, you can change the iOS target to build for Mac in Xcode.
  • fatal error: 'ruby/config.h' file not found: Ruby is required to install cocoapods and other tools which are used in the build process, and your machine may not have a supported version. To install an up-to-date version of Ruby:

Usage #

Specify Dependency #

Package home: pub.dev/packages/ably_flutter

See: Adding a package dependency to an app

Import the package #

import 'package:ably_flutter/ably_flutter.dart' as ably;

Configure a Client Options object #

For guidance on selecting an authentication method (basic authentication vs. token authentication), read Selecting an authentication mechanism.

Authenticating using basic authentication/ API key (for running example app/ test apps and not for production)

// Specify your apiKey with `flutter run --dart-define=ABLY_API_KEY=replace_your_api_key`
final String ablyApiKey = const String.fromEnvironment("ABLY_API_KEY");
final clientOptions = ably.ClientOptions.fromKey(ablyApiKey);
clientOptions.logLevel = ably.LogLevel.verbose;  // optional

Authenticating using token authentication

// Used to create a clientId when a client first doesn't have one. 
// Note: you should implement `createTokenRequest`, which makes a request to your server that uses your Ably API key directly.
final clientOptions = ably.ClientOptions()
  // If a clientId was set in ClientOptions, it will be available in the authCallback's first parameter (ably.TokenParams).
  ..clientId = _clientId
  ..authCallback = (ably.TokenParams tokenParams) async {
    try {
      // Send the tokenParamsMap (Map<String, dynamic>) to your server, using it to create a TokenRequest.
      final Map<String, dynamic> tokenRequestMap = await createTokenRequest(
      return ably.TokenRequest.fromMap(tokenRequestMap);
    } on http.ClientException catch (e) {
      print('Failed to createTokenRequest: $e');
final realtime = ably.Realtime(options: clientOptions);

An example of createTokenRequest's implementation making a network request to your server could be:

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> createTokenRequest(
    Map<String, dynamic> tokenParamsMap) async {
  var url = Uri.parse('https://example.com/api/v1/createTokenRequest');
  // For debugging:
  bool runningServerLocally = true;
  if (runningServerLocally) {
    if (Platform.isAndroid) { // Connect Android device to local server
      url = Uri.parse(
    } else if (Platform.isIOS) { // Connect iOS device to local server
      const localDeviceIPAddress = '';
      url = Uri.parse(

  final response = await http.post(url, body: tokenParamsMap);
  return jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  • Android: To connect to a local server running on a computer from an Android device, you can redirect the port on your device to the port the application is hosted on on your computer. For example, if you want to connect to a local server running at localhost:3000 but connect from Android from localhost:80 Run adb reverse tcp:80 tcp:3000.
  • iOS: To connect to a local server running on a computer using http on iOS for debugging, you will need to explicitly enable this in your Info.plist file, by following Transport security has blocked a cleartext HTTP. To allow devices to connect from the IP address of your device, you need your server to listen on instead of

Using the REST API #

Creating the REST client instance:

ably.Rest rest = ably.Rest(options: clientOptions);

Getting a channel instance

ably.RestChannel channel = rest.channels.get('test');

Publishing messages using REST:

// both name and data
await channel.publish(name: "Hello", data: "Ably");

// just name
await channel.publish(name: "Hello");

// just data
await channel.publish(data: "Ably");

// an empty message
await channel.publish();

Get REST history:

void getHistory([ably.RestHistoryParams params]) async {
  // getting channel history, by passing or omitting the optional params
  var result = await channel.history(params);

  var messages = result.items;        // get messages
  var hasNextPage = result.hasNext(); // tells whether there are more results
  if (hasNextPage) {    
    result = await result.next();     // will fetch next page results
    messages = result.items;
  if (!hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.first();    // will fetch first page results
    messages = result.items;

// history with default params

// sorted and filtered history
getHistory(ably.RestHistoryParams(direction: 'forwards', limit: 10));

Get REST Channel Presence:

void getPresence([ably.RestPresenceParams params]) async {
  // getting channel presence members, by passing or omitting the optional params
  var result = await channel.presence.get(params);

  var presenceMembers = result.items; // returns PresenceMessages
  var hasNextPage = result.hasNext(); // tells whether there are more results
  if (hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.next();     // will fetch next page results
    presenceMembers = result.items;
  if (!hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.first();    // will fetch first page results
    presenceMembers = result.items;

// getting presence members with default params

// filtered presence members
  limit: 10,
  clientId: '<clientId>',
  connectionId: '<connectionID>',

Get REST Presence History:

void getPresenceHistory([ably.RestHistoryParams params]) async {

  // getting channel presence history, by passing or omitting the optional params
  var result = await channel.presence.history(params);

  var presenceHistory = result.items; // returns PresenceMessages
  var hasNextPage = result.hasNext(); // tells whether there are more results
  if (hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.next();     // will fetch next page results
    presenceHistory = result.items;
  if (!hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.first();    // will fetch first page results
    presenceHistory = result.items;

// getting presence members with default params

// filtered presence members
getPresenceHistory(ably.RestHistoryParams(direction: 'forwards', limit: 10));

Using the Realtime API #

Creating the Realtime client instance:

ably.Realtime realtime = ably.Realtime(options: clientOptions);

Listening for connection state change events:

  .listen((ably.ConnectionStateChange stateChange) async {
    print('Realtime connection state changed: ${stateChange.event}');
    setState(() {
      _realtimeConnectionState = stateChange.current;

Listening for a particular connection state change event (e.g. connected):

  .listen((ably.ConnectionStateChange stateChange) async {
    print('Realtime connection state changed: ${stateChange.event}');
    setState(() {
      _realtimeConnectionState = stateChange.current;

Creating a Realtime channel instance:

ably.RealtimeChannel channel = realtime.channels.get('channel-name');

Listening for channel events:

channel.on().listen((ably.ChannelStateChange stateChange) {
  print("Channel state changed: ${stateChange.current}");

Attaching to the channel:

await channel.attach();

Detaching from the channel:

await channel.detach();

Subscribing to messages on the channel:

var messageStream = channel.subscribe();
var channelMessageSubscription = messageStream.listen((ably.Message message) {
  print("New message arrived ${message.data}");

Use channel.subscribe(name: "event1") or channel.subscribe(names: ["event1", "event2"]) to listen to specific named messages.

UnSubscribing from receiving messages on the channel:

await channelMessageSubscription.cancel();

Publishing channel messages

// both name and data
await channel.publish(name: "event1", data: "hello world");
await channel.publish(name: "event1", data: {"hello": "world", "hey": "ably"});
await channel.publish(name: "event1", data: [{"hello": {"world": true}, "ably": {"serious": "realtime"}]);

// single message
await channel.publish(message: ably.Message()..name = "event1"..data = {"hello": "world"});

// multiple messages
await channel.publish(messages: [
  ably.Message()..name="event1"..data = {"hello": "ably"},
  ably.Message()..name="event1"..data = {"hello": "world"}

Get Realtime history

void getHistory([ably.RealtimeHistoryParams params]) async {
  var result = await channel.history(params);

  var messages = result.items;        // get messages
  var hasNextPage = result.hasNext(); // tells whether there are more results
  if (hasNextPage) {    
    result = await result.next();     // will fetch next page results
    messages = result.items;
  if (!hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.first();    // will fetch first page results
    messages = result.items;

// history with default params

// sorted and filtered history
getHistory(ably.RealtimeHistoryParams(direction: 'forwards', limit: 10));

Enter Realtime Presence:

await channel.presence.enter();

// with data
await channel.presence.enter("hello");
await channel.presence.enter([1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.enter({"key": "value"});

// with Client ID
await channel.presence.enterClient("user1");

// with Client ID and data
await channel.presence.enterClient("user1", "hello");
await channel.presence.enterClient("user1", [1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.enterClient("user1", {"key": "value"});

Update Realtime Presence:

await channel.presence.update();

// with data
await channel.presence.update("hello");
await channel.presence.update([1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.update({"key": "value"});

// with Client ID
await channel.presence.updateClient("user1");

// with Client ID and data
await channel.presence.updateClient("user1", "hello");
await channel.presence.updateClient("user1", [1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.updateClient("user1", {"key": "value"});

Leave Realtime Presence:

await channel.presence.leave();

// with data
await channel.presence.leave("hello");
await channel.presence.leave([1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.leave({"key": "value"});

// with Client ID
await channel.presence.leaveClient("user1");

// with Client ID and data
await channel.presence.leaveClient("user1", "hello");
await channel.presence.leaveClient("user1", [1, 2, 3]);
await channel.presence.leaveClient("user1", {"key": "value"});

Get Realtime Presence members:

var presenceMessages = await channel.presence.get();

// filter by Client Id
var presenceMessages = await channel.presence.get(
    clientId: 'clientId',

// filter by Connection Id
var presenceMessages = await channel.presence.get(
    connectionId: 'connectionId',

Get Realtime Presence history

void getPresenceHistory([ably.RealtimeHistoryParams params]) async {
  var result = await channel.presence.history(params);

  var messages = result.items;        // get messages
  var hasNextPage = result.hasNext(); // tells whether there are more results
  if (hasNextPage) {    
    result = await result.next();     // will fetch next page results
    messages = result.items;
  if (!hasNextPage) {
    result = await result.first();    // will fetch first page results
    messages = result.items;

// presence history with default params

// sorted and filtered history
getPresenceHistory(ably.RealtimeHistoryParams(direction: 'forwards', limit: 10));

Subscribe to Realtime Presence messages

// subscribe for all presence actions
  .listen((presenceMessage) {

// subscribe for specific action
  .subscribe(action: PresenceAction.enter)
  .listen((presenceMessage) {

// subscribe for multiple actions
  .subscribe(actions: [
  .listen((presenceMessage) {

Symmetric Encryption #

When a key is provided to the library, the data attribute of all messages is encrypted and decrypted automatically using that key. The secret key is never transmitted to Ably. See https://www.ably.com/documentation/realtime/encryption.

  1. Create a key by calling ably.Crypto.generateRandomKey() (or retrieve one from your server using your own secure API). The same key needs to be used to encrypt and decrypt the messages.
  2. Create a CipherParams instance by passing a key to final cipherParams = await ably.Crypto.getDefaultParams(key: key); - the key can be a Base64-encoded String, or a Uint8List
  3. Create a RealtimeChannelOptions or RestChannelOptions from this key: e.g. final channelOptions = ably.RealtimeChannelOptions(cipher: cipherParams);. Alternatively, if you are only setting CipherParams on ChannelOptions, you could skip creating the CipherParams instance: ably.RestChannelOptions.withCipherKey(cipherKey) or ably.RealtimeChannelOptions.withCipherKey(cipherKey).
  4. Set these options on your channel: realtimeClient.channels.get(channelName).setOptions(channelOptions);
  5. Use your channel as normal, such as by publishing messages or subscribing for messages.

Overall, it would like this:

final key = ...; // from your server, from password or create random
final cipherParams = ably.Crypto.getDefaultParams(key: key);
final channelOptions = ably.RealtimeChannelOptions(cipherParams: cipherParams);
final channel = realtime.channels.get("your channel name");
await channel.setOptions(channelOptions);

Take a look at encrypted_message_service.dart for an example of how to implement end-to-end encrypted messages over Ably. There are several options to choose from when you have decided to your encrypt your messages.

Push Notifications #

See PushNotifications.md for detailed information on using PN with this plugin.

Caveats #

RTE6a compliance #

Using the Streams based approach doesn't fully conform with RTE6a from our client library features specification.

The Problem

StreamSubscription subscriptionToBeCancelled;

// Listener registered 1st
realtime.connection.on().listen((ably.ConnectionStateChange stateChange) async {
  if (stateChange.event == ably.ConnectionEvent.connected) {
    await subscriptionToBeCancelled.cancel();       // Cancelling 2nd listener

// Listener registered 2nd
subscriptionToBeCancelled = realtime.connection.on().listen((ably.ConnectionStateChange stateChange) async {
  print('State changed');

In the example above, the 2nd listener is cancelled when the 1st listener is notified about the "connected" event. As per RTE6a, the 2nd listener should also be triggered. It will not be as the 2nd listener was registered after the 1st listener and stream subscription is cancelled immediately after 1st listener is triggered.

This wouldn't have happened if the 2nd listener had been registered before the 1st was.

However, using a neat little workaround will fix this...

The Workaround - Cancelling using delay

Instead of await subscriptionToBeCancelled.cancel();, use

Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () {

Contributing #

For guidance on how to contribute to this project, see CONTRIBUTING.md.

pub points


verified publisherably.com

A wrapper around Ably's Cocoa and Java client library SDKs, providing iOS and Android support.

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Packages that depend on ably_flutter