a_star 3.0.0 a_star: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard
A comprehensive A* algorithm. Suitable for anything from physical grids to abstract search spaces.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import "package:a_star/a_star.dart";
class CoordinatesState extends AStarState<CoordinatesState> {
final int x;
final int y;
final int goalX;
final int goalY;
final String? direction;
CoordinatesState(this.x, this.y, this.goalX, this.goalY, {required super.depth, this.direction});
Iterable<CoordinatesState> getNeighbors() => [
CoordinatesState(x, y + 1, goalX, goalY, direction: "up", depth: depth + 1),
CoordinatesState(x + 1, y, goalX, goalY, direction: "right", depth: depth + 1),
CoordinatesState(x - 1, y, goalX, goalY, direction: "left", depth: depth + 1),
bool get isValid => true;
Iterable<CoordinatesState> expand() => [
for (final neighbor in getNeighbors())
if (neighbor.isValid)
double heuristic() => (goalX - x).abs() + (goalY - y).abs().toDouble();
bool isGoal() => x == goalX && y == goalY;
String hash() => "($x, $y)";
void main() {
final start = CoordinatesState(0, 0, 1000, 1000, depth: 0);
final result = aStar(start, limit: 3000, verbose: true);
if (result == null) {
print("Could not find a path");
final path = result.reconstructPath();
for (final intermediate in path) {
if (intermediate.direction == null) {
print("Start at ${intermediate.hash()}");
} else {
print("Go ${intermediate.direction} to ${intermediate.hash()}");