Results215 packages
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A collection of utilities to transform and manipulate streams.
Package to transform data stream to sliver list or sliver grid
A plugin to receive raw byte streams from a device's microphone. Audio is returned as `Stream<Uint8list>`.
Encapsulate a value as a success or an error as a failure using Result, execute a function using runCatching that returns a Result, and transform the Stream value into a Result.
Cross-platform asynchronous thread invocation of Stream transformation methods.
Transform Android CameraImage Stream YUV420 to RBG Format
Rxdart streaming shared preferences. Reactive stream rxdart wrapper around SharedPreferences. A stream based wrapper over shared_preferences, allowing reactive key-value storage.#rxdart#hoc081098#rx-shared-preferences#reactive-shared-preferences#reactive-programming
Simple packages that converts text stream to sse events
Transform method calls to a stream of events.
A codec to transform between a string and a list of values. The string must be comma (configurable) separated values.

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