Results126 packages
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A splash screen API for flutter which can programatically hide and show the splash screen. Works on Android and iOS.
Customize Flutter's default white native splash screen with background color and splash image. Supports dark mode, full screen, and more.
Easy Splash Screen plugin for your flutter app. You can easily implement this plugin to show splash screen and save time.
This flutter lib is used as Splash Screen of your app to display logo With Text Animated by Animated Text Kit.
A package to automates the task of creating an animated splash screen in a flutter to enhance a beauti of app.
A package which automates the task of creating an animated splash screen in a flutter.
Flutter simple splash screen with minimum configuration
Flutter package to implement an animated splash screen.
Facilitator for having a Splash screen with a Flare animation until some work has been done for the initialization of the app

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