Results132 packages
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A Dart package that helps to implement value based equality without needing to explicitly override == and hashCode.
A simple Dart package that provides fast and secure equality comparison as a mixin. It optionally offers hash caching to improve the speed of Map's and Set's significantly.
This is a set of rules to make classes using Equatable more maintainable. We make sure here that every fields in an Equatable class is linked to the Equatable props getter.
Annotations for code generator 'autoequal_gen' to simplify work with 'equatable'. It will generate 'List<Object?> props' private extensions for all annotated classes.
This is a set of rules to make classes using Equatable more maintainable. We make sure here that every fields in an Equatable class is linked to the Equatable props getter.
A tool to convert toString() which is hard to read generated by such as Equatable or Freezed to be human-readable.
This is a set of rules to make classes using Equatable more maintainable. We make sure here that every fields in an Equatable class is linked to the Equatable props getter.
This is a set of rules to make classes using FastEquatable more maintainable. We validate that every fields in an FastEquatable class is linked to the hashParameters getter.
A port in dart of the youtube explode library. Supports several API functions without the need of Youtube API Key.#youtube#video#streams

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