Results18 packages
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A support implementation of zendesk classic sdk with helpcenter, request/ticket list and new ticket/request
ASAP Community module Flutter Plugin
Pacote com todas as cidades e estados brasileiros com código IBGE - funciona offline.
Pure dart SDK implementation of service. Includes client realtime chat
Flutter desktop plugin(macOS/Linux/Windows) to get and change window size.
A desktop (supports macOS and Windows) implementation of uni_links plugin.
Show a webview window on your flutter desktop application.
A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2. Provides embed chat functionality in your apps to give your mobile users access to your support team
This package enables Firebase OAuth on desktop via webview
A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2. Provides embed chat functionality in your apps to give your mobile users access to your support team

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