Results17 packages
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A TextField Widget that allow you to convert easily what's in the TextField to Markdown.
String extensions for different localizations and a translation utility without additional efforts.
Wrapper for Text widget that translates its text. This library can reduce development time for small projects and, in some cases, in medium ones.
This is a project to automatically translate your app in any language.
A Flutter Package for Managing App Strings in flutter applications on all platforms particularly internationalization.
This is a command line Dart application that reads a JSON file, translates the values and creates a translated JSON file especially useful for localization in Flutter apps.
A new Flutter real time translation Package for android and ios.It is used for real time translation from camera.
A pure dart, ultra-lite package to interact with the Shikimori API.#shikimori#api#dart#anime#manga
Very Easy Localization: Very Easily Extract Strings From your Flutter App & create localization in 100+ languages using google translate with google translate.
json localization data translator, based on the 'translator' package

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