Results11 packages
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Serverpod is an open-source, scalable app server, written in Dart for the Flutter community.#backend#server#network#rest#database
Optimizes the build_runner by caching generated codes for non changed .dart files
Testainers is a powerful Dart plugin designed to streamline the management of containers for testing purposes.
Light and easy to use queue library for Dart server projects
A light-weight library for building distributed applications such as microservices.
A core server for creating fast dart servers with support of routers, controllers, middlewares.
Simple microservices framework using swift_composer. Create servers, daemons and cli tools with a layer to access mysql db, amqp and files. Used by
Cloudproof Encryption provides libraries and tools to encrypt large repositories of data - Big Data - with high performance and advanced secure techniques in zero trust environments. It also provides [...]
Cloudproof Encryption provides libraries and tools to encrypt large repositories of data - Big Data - with high performance and advanced secure techniques in zero trust environments. It also provides [...]

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