Results19 packages
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Plugin to show a simple scanner dialog and capture Bar/QR code easily. Works with Android iOS and Web. It uses html5-qrcode scanner for web and qr_code_scanner for Android and iOS
A Flutter plugin project for onboarding any atSign in atPlatform apps with ease. Provides a QRscanner option and an upload key file option to authenticate.
A Flutter package for QR scanner with scanning effect.
GSForm helps to creating forms in Flutter by removing the boilerplate needed to build a form, validate fields, react to changes and collect final user input.
A Flutter package for scanning barcode and QR codes in Mobile and Web Application.
A Flutter plugin project that provides a basic social "follows" functionality for atSigns. Provides a list of followers and following for atSigns with the option to unfollow them.
Simple and Comprehensive QR Package. Generate or Scan QR Code Via Camera or From Recent and Gallery.
Plugin to show a simple scanner dialog and capture Bar/QR code easily. Works with Android iOS and Web. It uses html5-qrcode scanner for web and qr_code_scanner for Android and iOS
Flutter core library for Techlify.
An ffi bridge for ur_registry_rust and flutter.

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