Results10 packages
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A simple package to simplify screen management. When loading any async task, this package prevent the user from interacting with the screen until the async task finishes.
OneContext provides a simple way to deal with Dialogs, Overlays, Navigations, Theme* and MediaQuery* with no need of BuildContext.
This package is to help you with add loadings to your app in simple way.
Some practical Widget for flutter,Popover,Weui,Custom Keyboard
A flutter package that have a loading progress,toast message and some future extension.
A Flutter package that provides keyboard where you can only type with emojis!
jhtoast - Flutter toast package. supported effects: text, imagetext, loading, horizontal and vertical layout. Supports iOS and Android.
A scrollable bottom sheet with ability to be expanded and scroll more
lib_x is an Object-Oriented approach to Flutter for a better architecture design. It provides Solutions for Routing, State Management, Data Provider & more.
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