Results59 packages
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Customizable progress dialog package for Flutter.(Captures the progress value)
Lightweight and customizable dio http client logger on talker base#network#http#dio#logging#log
Login via Facebook. Easily add Facebook login feature in your application. User profile information included.
Lightweight and customizable BLoC state management library logger on talker base.#bloc#state#cubit#logging#log
Logger. Easy, customizable, extensible logging, lightweight with filters, formatters, custom logs, log levels.#logger#logging#log#console#cli
Flutter Twitter Login Plugin. Library for login with Twitter APIs OAuth service
A new Flutter package which allows users to create social media login button easily.
A simple, highly customizable analog clock widget. This widget enables you to customize the clock's background, dial, markings, and hands.
To be able to show a custom alert box easlly. Simple to import package in your dart file. You can also easily implement this package by going through the example tab.
Login via Easily add VK login feature in your application. User profile information included.

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