Results140 packages
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This library provides WebSockets support for Angel3 framework.
This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular Reactive Forms.
A flutter plugin for pytorch model inference. Supports image models as well as custom models.
Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
Powerful JSON serialization, database-object mapping, test data generation, and more. Describe your data model with Kind<T> subclasses (such as IntKind, ListKind<T>, etc.).
A color structure for represent any color: model (CMYK, RGB, HSL, etc.), alpha, depth per channel, view, etc. Сan transform the structures.#color#model#transform#converter#palette
Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons.#widget#ui#button#chips#selector
Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.#logger#error#report#tool#ui
A port in dart of the youtube explode library. Supports several API functions without the need of Youtube API Key.#youtube#video#streams
Advanced error handler and logger package for flutter and dart. App monitoring, logs history, report sharing, custom logs, and etc.#logger#logging#error#exception#tool

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