joinGroup abstract method

Future<ZIMGroupJoinedResult> joinGroup(
  1. String groupID

Available since: 2.1.5 and above.

Description: After a group is created, other users can use joinGroup to join the group.

Use cases: This interface is used to join a group in a chat scenario.

When to call /Trigger: The ZIM instance can be invoked after being created by create and logged in.

Caution: Available after login, unavailable after logout. If you have joined a group, the join succeeds. A group is limited to 500 people and fails to join when it is full.

Related callbacks: To get the result of joining the room, call ZIMGroupJoinedResult.

Related APIs: You can use createGroup to create a group, leaveGroup to leave a group, or dismissGroup to dismiss a group.

groupID The group ID to join.


Future<ZIMGroupJoinedResult> joinGroup(String groupID);