zego_zim library
- ZIMAppConfig
- ZIMAudioMessage
- ZIMAudioMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMBarrageMessage
- ZIMBlacklistCheckedResult
- ZIMBlacklistQueriedResult
- ZIMBlacklistQueryConfig
- nextFlag Not required, it is 0 by default for the first time, which means to start the query from the beginning. count count.
- ZIMBlacklistUsersAddedResult
- ZIMBlacklistUsersRemovedResult
- ZIMCacheConfig
- ZIMCallAcceptanceSentResult
- Supported version: 2.0.0.
- ZIMCallAcceptConfig
- Behavior property that accept the call invitation setting.
- ZIMCallCancelConfig
- Behavior property that cancels the call invitation setting.
- ZIMCallCancelSentResult
- Supported version: 2.0.0.
- ZIMCallEndConfig
- ZIMCallEndedSentInfo
- ZIMCallEndSentResult
- Result callback of ending the call invitation. callID callID. info End call invitation return information.
- ZIMCallInfo
- Call invitation information. callID Call invite ID. caller Call invitation initiator ID. mode Call invitation mode. state Call invitation status. extendedData Create a call invitation additional information. createTime Call invites to create a timestamp. endTime Call invitation end time. callUserList The list of call member.
- ZIMCallingInvitationSentInfo
- Call invitation sent message.
- ZIMCallingInvitationSentResult
- Invite others to enter the call back result information.
- ZIMCallingInviteConfig
- ZIMCallInvitationAcceptedInfo
- Accept the call invitation message.
- ZIMCallInvitationCancelledInfo
- Cancel the call invitation message.
- ZIMCallInvitationCreatedInfo
- ZIMCallInvitationEndedInfo
- ZIMCallInvitationListQueriedResult
- Result Callback of querying the call list. callList Query the list of returned call information. nextFlag An anchor returned by a paging query that is passed in the next query to continue the query based on the last query.
- ZIMCallInvitationQueryConfig
- ZIMCallInvitationReceivedInfo
- Information to accept the call invitation.
- ZIMCallInvitationRejectedInfo
- Reject the call invitation message.
- ZIMCallInvitationSentInfo
- Call invitation sent message.
- ZIMCallInvitationSentResult
- Supported version: 2.0.0.
- ZIMCallInvitationTimeoutInfo
- ZIMCallInviteConfig
- The behavior property of the Send Call Invitation setting.
- ZIMCallJoinConfig
- ZIMCallJoinSentInfo
- ZIMCallJoinSentResult
- ZIMCallQuitConfig
- ZIMCallQuitSentInfo
- ZIMCallQuitSentResult
- Exit the return result of the current call.
- ZIMCallRejectConfig
- The behavior property of the reject call invitation setting.
- ZIMCallRejectionSentResult
- Supported version: 2.0.0.
- ZIMCallUserInfo
- Call invitation user information.
- ZIMCallUserStateChangeInfo
- ZIMCombineMessage
- ZIMCombineMessageDetailQueriedResult
- ZIMCombineMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMCommandMessage
- ZIMConversation
- ZIMConversationBaseInfo
- ZIMConversationChangeInfo
- ZIMConversationDeleteConfig
- ZIMConversationDeletedResult
- Available since: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMConversationDraftSetResult
- ZIMConversationFilterOption
- ZIMConversationListQueriedResult
- Available since: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMConversationMarkSetResult
- ZIMConversationMessageReceiptReadSentResult
- Supported version: 2.5.0 and above.
- ZIMConversationNotificationStatusSetResult
- Available since: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMConversationPinnedListQueriedResult
- ZIMConversationPinnedStateUpdatedResult
- ZIMConversationQueriedResult
- ZIMConversationQueryConfig
- ZIMConversationsAllDeletedInfo
- ZIMConversationsAllDeletedResult
- ZIMConversationSearchConfig
- ZIMConversationSearchInfo
- ZIMConversationsSearchedResult
- Description: Search the results of local conversations based on local messages.
- ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueriedResult
- ZIMConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountQueryConfig
- ZIMConversationUnreadMessageCountClearedResult
- Available since: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMCustomMessage
- ZIMCustomMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMError
- Error infomation
- ZIMErrorCode
- ZIMErrorUserInfo
- When userInfo is queried, the failed userInfo is displayed through this data class.
- ZIMEventHandler
- ZIMFileCacheClearConfig
- ZIMFileCacheInfo
- ZIMFileCacheQueriedResult
- ZIMFileCacheQueryConfig
- ZIMFileMessage
- ZIMFileMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMFriendAddConfig
- ZIMFriendAddedResult
- ZIMFriendAliasUpdatedResult
- ZIMFriendApplicationAcceptConfig
- ZIMFriendApplicationAcceptedResult
- ZIMFriendApplicationInfo
- ZIMFriendApplicationListQueriedResult
- ZIMFriendApplicationListQueryConfig
- ZIMFriendApplicationRejectConfig
- ZIMFriendApplicationRejectedResult
- ZIMFriendApplicationSendConfig
- ZIMFriendApplicationSentResult
- ZIMFriendAttributesUpdatedResult
- ZIMFriendDeleteConfig
- ZIMFriendInfo
- ZIMFriendListQueriedResult
- ZIMFriendListQueryConfig
- ZIMFriendRelationCheckConfig
- ZIMFriendRelationInfo
- ZIMFriendsDeletedResult
- ZIMFriendSearchConfig
- ZIMFriendsInfoQueriedResult
- ZIMFriendsRelationCheckedResult
- ZIMFriendsSearchedResult
- ZIMGeofencingArea
- ZIMGroup
- Description: group class.
- ZIMGroupAdvancedConfig
- Group advanced configuration.
- ZIMGroupAliasUpdatedResult
- ZIMGroupApplicationInfo
- ZIMGroupApplicationListQueriedResult
- ZIMGroupApplicationListQueryConfig
- ZIMGroupAttributesOperatedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group property operation.
- ZIMGroupAttributesQueriedResult
- Description: Returns the result of group attribute query.
- ZIMGroupAttributesUpdateInfo
- Group attribute update information.
- ZIMGroupAvatarUrlUpdatedResult
- Description: Return result of group avatar url update operation.
- ZIMGroupBeInviteModeUpdatedResult
- ZIMGroupConversation
- ZIMGroupCreatedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group creation operation.
- ZIMGroupDataFlag
- ZIMGroupDismissedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group dismiss operation.
- ZIMGroupEnterInfo
- Description: group class.
- ZIMGroupFullInfo
- Description: complete group information.
- ZIMGroupInfo
- group information.
- ZIMGroupInfoQueriedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group dismiss operation.
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationAcceptConfig
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationAcceptedResult
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationRejectConfig
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationRejectedResult
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationSendConfig
- ZIMGroupInviteApplicationsSentResult
- ZIMGroupInviteModeUpdatedResult
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationAcceptConfig
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationAcceptedResult
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationRejectConfig
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationRejectedResult
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationSendConfig
- ZIMGroupJoinApplicationSentResult
- ZIMGroupJoinedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group join operation.
- ZIMGroupJoinModeUpdatedResult
- ZIMGroupLeftResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group departure operation.
- ZIMGroupListQueriedResult
- Description: Returns the group list query result.
- ZIMGroupMemberCountQueriedResult
- ZIMGroupMemberInfo
- Group member information.
- ZIMGroupMemberInfoQueriedResult
- Description: Return of group member query results.
- ZIMGroupMemberKickedResult
- Description: Returns the result of the kick out group member operation.
- ZIMGroupMemberListQueriedResult
- Description: Returns the result of querying the group member list.
- ZIMGroupMemberMuteConfig
- ZIMGroupMemberMutedListQueriedResult
- ZIMGroupMemberMutedListQueryConfig
- ZIMGroupMemberNicknameUpdatedResult
- Description: Return result of group member nickname update operation.
- ZIMGroupMemberQueryConfig
- group member query configuration.
- ZIMGroupMemberRole
- ZIMGroupMemberRoleUpdatedResult
- Description: Return of the result of the member role update operation.
- ZIMGroupMemberSearchConfig
- ZIMGroupMemberSimpleInfo
- ZIMGroupMembersMutedResult
- ZIMGroupMembersSearchedResult
- ZIMGroupMessageReceiptMemberListQueriedResult
- ZIMGroupMessageReceiptMemberQueryConfig
- ZIMGroupMuteConfig
- ZIMGroupMutedResult
- ZIMGroupMuteInfo
- ZIMGroupNameUpdatedResult
- Description: Return result of group name update operation.
- ZIMGroupNoticeUpdatedResult
- Description: Return result of group notice update operation.
- ZIMGroupOperatedInfo
- Information that the group has operated on.
- ZIMGroupOwnerTransferredResult
- Description: Returns the result of the group master transfer operation.
- ZIMGroupSearchConfig
- ZIMGroupSearchInfo
- ZIMGroupsSearchedResult
- ZIMGroupUsersInvitedResult
- Description: Returns the result of inviting the user to join the group.
- ZIMGroupVerifyInfo
- ZIMImageMessage
- ZIMImageMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMLogConfig
- Log configuration
- ZIMLoginConfig
- ZIMMediaDownloadConfig
- ZIMMediaDownloadedResult
- Supported versions: 2.1.0 and above.
- ZIMMediaMessage
- ZIMMediaMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMMediaMessageSendNotification
- ZIMMessage
- ZIMMessageDeleteConfig
- Delete message configuration.
- ZIMMessageDeletedInfo
- ZIMMessageDeletedResult
- Supported versions: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMMessageExportConfig
- ZIMMessageImportConfig
- ZIMMessageInsertedResult
- ZIMMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMMessageLocalExtendedDataUpdatedResult
- ZIMMessageMentionedInfo
- ZIMMessageQueriedResult
- The developer uses this callback to get a list of queried messages, which can be used to display historical messages.
- ZIMMessageQueryConfig
- Example Query message configuration.
- ZIMMessageReaction
- ZIMMessageReactionAddedResult
- ZIMMessageReactionDeletedResult
- ZIMMessageReactionUserListQueriedResult
- ZIMMessageReactionUsersQueryConfig
- ZIMMessageReceiptInfo
- ZIMMessageReceiptsInfoQueriedResult
- ZIMMessageReceiptsReadSentResult
- ZIMMessageReceivedInfo
- ZIMMessageRepliedInfo
- ZIMMessageRepliedListQueriedResult
- The callback for querying the reply message list result.
- ZIMMessageRepliedListQueryConfig
- ZIMMessageRevokeConfig
- ZIMMessageRevokedResult
- ZIMMessageRootRepliedCountInfo
- ZIMMessageRootRepliedInfo
- ZIMMessageSearchConfig
- ZIMMessageSendConfig
- Details: Configure message sending.
- ZIMMessageSendNotification
- ZIMMessageSentResult
- Callback of the result of sending the message.
- ZIMMessageSentStatusChangeInfo
- ZIMMessagesGlobalSearchedResult
- Description: Detailed description: Return of search results for local messages.
- ZIMMessagesSearchedResult
- Description: Detailed description: Return of search results for local messages.
- ZIMMultipleMessage
- ZIMMultipleMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMPushConfig
- Description:Offline push configuration.
- ZIMReactionUserInfo
- ZIMRevokeMessage
- ZIMRevokeMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig
- Room advanced config.
- ZIMRoomAllLeftResult
- ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperatedResult
- Callback of the result of the room attributes operation.
- ZIMRoomAttributesBatchOperationConfig
- The behavior attribute set by the room attribute.
- ZIMRoomAttributesDeleteConfig
- ZIMRoomAttributesOperatedCallResult
- Callback of the result of the room attributes operation.
- ZIMRoomAttributesQueriedResult
- Callback of the result of the room attributes quering.
- ZIMRoomAttributesSetConfig
- The behavior attribute set by the room attribute.
- ZIMRoomAttributesUpdateInfo
- Notice of Room Attribute Change.
- ZIMRoomCreatedResult
- Callback of the result of creating the room.
- ZIMRoomEnteredResult
- Callback of the result of entering the room.
- ZIMRoomFullInfo
- ZIMRoomInfo
- ZIMRoomJoinedResult
- Callback of the result of joining the room.
- ZIMRoomLeftResult
- Callback of the result of leaving the room.
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesInfo
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesListQueriedResult
- Supported version: 2.4.0.
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesOperatedInfo
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesQueryConfig
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesSetConfig
- ZIMRoomMemberAttributesUpdateInfo
- ZIMRoomMemberInfo
- ZIMRoomMemberQueriedResult
- Callback of the result of querying the room members list.
- ZIMRoomMemberQueryConfig
- Configuration for querying member.
- ZIMRoomMembersAttributesOperatedResult
- Supported version: 2.4.0.
- ZIMRoomMembersAttributesQueriedResult
- Supported version: 2.4.0.
- ZIMRoomMembersQueriedResult
- Available since: 2.8.0 and above.
- ZIMRoomOnlineMemberCountQueriedResult
- Callback of the result of querying the online members count in the room.
- ZIMRoomOperatedInfo
- ZIMRoomSwitchedResult
- ZIMSelfUserInfo
- ZIMSelfUserInfoQueriedResult
- Callback result of querying personal user information and rules.
- ZIMSubscribedUserStatusListQueriedResult
- QuerySubscribedUserStatusList query for the current user subscription list operation results callback.
- ZIMSubscribedUserStatusQueryConfig
- ZIMSystemMessage
- ZIMTextMessage
- ZIMTextMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMTipsMessage
- ZIMTipsMessageChangeInfo
- ZIMTipsMessageGroupChangeInfo
- ZIMTipsMessageGroupMemberChangeInfo
- ZIMTokenRenewedResult
- Callback of the result of renewing the token.
- ZIMUserAvatarUrlUpdatedResult
- ZIMUserExtendedDataUpdatedResult
- ZIMUserFullInfo
- ZIMUserInfo
- User information object.
- ZIMUserInfoQueryConfig
- ZIMUserNameUpdatedResult
- ZIMUserOfflinePushRule
- ZIMUserOfflinePushRuleUpdatedResult
- ZIMUserRule
- ZIMUsersInfoQueriedResult
- Supported version: 2.0.0 and above.
- ZIMUsersStatusQueriedResult
- Result callback of the queryUsersStatus interface for batch querying user online status.
- ZIMUsersStatusSubscribedResult
- The result of a callback to the online status of other users in a batch subscription.
- ZIMUsersStatusUnsubscribedResult
- Result callback for batch unsubscribing subscribed users.
- ZIMUserStatus
- Contains data about the user's online status.
- ZIMUserStatusSubscribeConfig
- subscribeUsersStatus Configuration items of the online status interface for subscribing users in batches.
- ZIMUserStatusSubscription
- User online status subscription information. Contains the user's online status, a list of online platforms, subscription expiration time stamps, and more.
- ZIMVideoMessage
- ZIMVideoMessageLiteInfo
- ZIMVoIPConfig
- ZIMBlacklistChangeAction
- ZIMCallInvitationMode
- ZIMCallState
- ZIMCallUserState
- ZIMConnectionEvent
- Connection state.
- ZIMConnectionState
- Connection state.
- ZIMConversationEvent
- conversation changed event.
- ZIMConversationNotificationStatus
- Enumeration of conversation notification status.
- ZIMConversationType
- conversation type.
- ZIMCXHandleType
- ZIMFriendApplicationListChangeAction
- ZIMFriendApplicationState
- ZIMFriendApplicationType
- ZIMFriendDeleteType
- ZIMFriendListChangeAction
- ZIMFriendRelationCheckType
- ZIMGeofencingType
- Use cases: For example, if the specified geofenced area is Europe, the region where the App user resides is not distinguished, and the actual region accessed by the SDK is Europe.
- ZIMGroupApplicationListChangeAction
- ZIMGroupApplicationState
- ZIMGroupApplicationType
- ZIMGroupAttributesUpdateAction
- ZIMGroupBeInviteMode
- ZIMGroupEnterType
- ZIMGroupEvent
- Description: Group events.
- ZIMGroupInviteMode
- ZIMGroupJoinMode
- ZIMGroupMemberEvent
- ZIMGroupMemberState
- ZIMGroupMessageNotificationStatus
- ZIMGroupMuteMode
- ZIMGroupState
- ZIMMediaFileType
- ZIMMessageDeleteType
- ZIMMessageDirection
- the direction of the message.
- ZIMMessageMentionedType
- ZIMMessageOrder
- Description: Used to represent the order of the message list.
- ZIMMessagePriority
- The priority of the message.
- ZIMMessageReceiptStatus
- ZIMMessageRepliedInfoState
- ZIMMessageRevokeStatus
- ZIMMessageSentStatus
- The status of the message being sent.
- ZIMMessageType
- The type of the message.
- ZIMPlatformType
- ZIMRevokeType
- ZIMRoomAttributesUpdateAction
- Room attributes update action.
- ZIMRoomEvent
- The event that caused the room connection status to change.
- ZIMRoomState
- Connection state.
- ZIMTipsMessageChangeInfoType
- ZIMTipsMessageEvent
- ZIMUserOnlineStatus
- ZIMUserRelationType
- ZIMMediaDownloadingProgress = void Function(ZIMMessage message, int currentFileSize, int totalFileSize)
- ZIMMediaUploadingProgress = void Function(ZIMMediaMessage message, int currentFileSize, int totalFileSize)
- ZIMMessageAttachedCallback = void Function(ZIMMessage message)
- ZIMMessageExportingProgress = void Function(int exportedMessageCount, int totalMessageCount)
- ZIMMessageImportingProgress = void Function(int importedMessageCount, int totalMessageCount)
- ZIMMultipleMediaUploadingProgress = void Function(ZIMMultipleMessage message, int currentFileSize, int totalFileSize, int messageInfoIndex, int currentIndexFileSize, int totalIndexFileSize)