enterRoom abstract method

Supported version: 2.1.5.

Detail description: After calling this API, ZIM will decide whether to create a room or join a room according to whether the user is the first to enter. At the same time, if the first user to enter has room advanced attributes, those attributes will take effect.

Business scenario: When you need to enter a multi-person chat scene with custom attributes, and you do not need to distinguish whether the room is created or added, you can enter a room through this interface.

When to call: It can be called after logging in.

Note: When everyone leaves the room, the room will be automatically destroyed, and a user can be in a maximum of 5 rooms at the same time. enterRoom is equivalent to createRoom or joinRoom, so you only need to choose one of the APIs.

Related callbacks: The result of entering the room can be obtained through the ZIMRoomEnteredResult callback.

Related interface: You can enter the room through enterRoom, and leave the room through leaveRoom.


Future<ZIMRoomEnteredResult> enterRoom(
    ZIMRoomInfo roomInfo, ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig config);