createRoom abstract method

Future<ZIMRoomCreatedResult> createRoom(
  1. ZIMRoomInfo roomInfo, [
  2. ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig? config

Create a room.

Available since: 2.1.5 or above.

Description: When a room is created, other users can join this room through joinRoom function.

Use cases: When you need to create a multi-person chat scene, you can create a room by this API.

When to call: It can be called after creating a ZIM instance through create.

Caution: When everyone leaves the room, the room will be automatically destroyed.

Related callbacks: The result of the room creation can be obtained through the ZIMRoomCreatedResult callback.

Related APIs: You can join the room through joinRoom and leave the room with leaveRoom.

roomInfo The configuration information of the room to be created. config The advanced information of the room to be created.


Future<ZIMRoomCreatedResult> createRoom(ZIMRoomInfo roomInfo,
    [ZIMRoomAdvancedConfig? config]);