Events topic


Confirmation callback method before leaving the audio chat room.

If you want to perform more complex business logic before exiting the audio chat room, such as updating some records to the backend, you can use the onLeaveConfirmation parameter to set it. This parameter requires you to provide a callback method that returns an asynchronous result. If you return true in the callback, the prebuilt page will quit and return to your previous page, otherwise it will be ignored.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> Function(
  ZegoLiveAudioRoomLeaveConfirmationEvent event,
  /// defaultAction to return to the previous page
  Future<bool> Function() defaultAction,
)? onLeaveConfirmation;

class ZegoLiveAudioRoomLeaveConfirmationEvent {
 BuildContext context;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    onLeaveConfirmation: (
      ZegoLiveAudioRoomLeaveConfirmationEvent event,
      VoidCallback defaultAction,
    ) {
        debugPrint('onLeaveConfirmation, do whatever you want');
        /// you can call this defaultAction to return to the previous page,


This callback method is called when live audio room ended

The default behavior of host is return to the previous page(only host) or hide the minimize page. If you override this callback, you must perform the page navigation yourself while it was in a normal state, or hide the minimize page if in minimize state. otherwise the user will remain on the live streaming page. the easy way is call

The ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent.isFromMinimizing it means that the user left the chat room while it was in a minimized state. You can not return to the previous page while it was in a minimized state!!! On the other hand, if the value of the parameter is false, it means that the user left the chat room while it was in a normal state (i.e., not minimized).

  • function prototype:
void Function(
  ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent event,
  VoidCallback defaultAction,
)? onEnded;

class ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent {
 /// the user ID of who kick you out
 String? kickerUserID;

 /// end reason
 ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndReason reason;

 /// The [isFromMinimizing] it means that the user left the live streaming
 /// while it was in a minimized state.
 /// You **can not** return to the previous page while it was **in a minimized state**!!!
 /// just hide the minimize page by [ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveStreamingController().minimize.hide()]
 /// On the other hand, if the value of the parameter is false, it means
 /// that the user left the live streaming while it was not minimized.
 bool isFromMinimizing;

/// The default behavior is to return to the previous page.
/// If you override this callback, you must perform the page navigation
/// yourself to return to the previous page!!!
/// otherwise the user will remain on the current call page !!!!!
enum ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndReason {
 /// local user leave

 /// being kicked out
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    onEnded: (
      ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent event,
      VoidCallback defaultAction,
    ) {
        debugPrint('onEnded, do whatever you want');
        /// you can call this defaultAction to return to the previous page,


error stream

  • function prototype:
Function(ZegoUIKitError)? onError
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    onError: (
      ZegoUIKitError error,
    ) {


events about seats


Notification that a seat has been closed (locked). After closing a seat, audience members need to request permission from the host to join the seat, or the host can invite audience members directly.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onClosed
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          onClosed: () {


Notification that a seat has been opened (unlocked). After opening a seat, all audience members can freely choose an empty seat to join and start chatting with others.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onOpened;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          onOpened: () {


A callback function that is called when a seat is clicked.

The index parameter is the index of the seat that was clicked. The user parameter is the user who is currently sitting in the seat, or null if the seat is empty.

Note that when you set this callback, the default behavior of clicking on a seat to display a menu will be disabled. You need to handle it yourself. You can refer to the usage of ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomController for reference.

  • function prototype:
void Function(int index, ZegoUIKitUser? user)? onClicked
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          onClicked: (int index, ZegoUIKitUser? user) {


A callback function that is called when someone gets on/off/switches seat

The takenSeats parameter is a map that maps the index of each taken seat to the user who is currently sitting in that seat. The untakenSeats parameter is a list of the indexes of all untaken seats.

  • function prototype:
 void Function(
  Map<int, ZegoUIKitUser> takenSeats,
  List<int> untakenSeats,
)? onChanged;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          onChanged: (Map<int, ZegoUIKitUser> takenSeats, List<int> untakenSeats) {


events about seat's host


The host has received a seat request from an audience.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onTakingRequested
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          host: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatHostEvents(
              onTakingRequested: (audience){


The host has received a notification that the audience has canceled the seat request.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser audience)? onTakingRequestCanceled
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          host: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatHostEvents(
              onTakingRequestCanceled: (audience){


The host has received a notification that the invitation for the audience to take a seat has failed. This is usually due to network issues or if the audience has already logged out of the app and can no longer receive the invitation.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onTakingInvitationFailed
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          host: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatHostEvents(
              onTakingInvitationFailed: (){


The host has received a notification that the invitation for the audience to take a seat has been rejected.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onTakingInvitationRejected
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          host: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatHostEvents(
              onTakingInvitationRejected: (){


events about seat's audience


The audience has received a notification that the application to take a seat has failed. This is usually due to network issues or the host has logged out of the app and can no longer receive seat applications.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onTakingRequestFailed;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          audience: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatAudienceEvents(
              onTakingRequestFailed: (){


The audience received a notification that their request to take seats was declined by the host.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onTakingRequestRejected
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          audience: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatAudienceEvents(
              onTakingRequestRejected: (){


The audience has received a notification that the host has invited them to take a seat.

  • function prototype:
VoidCallback? onTakingInvitationReceived
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
          audience: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatAudienceEvents(
              onTakingInvitationReceived: (){


events about user


This callback is triggered when user enter

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser)? onEnter;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      user: ZegoLiveAudioRoomUserEvents(
          onEnter: (user) {


This callback is triggered when user leave

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser)? onLeave;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      user: ZegoLiveAudioRoomUserEvents(
          onLeave: (user) {


This callback method is triggered when the user count or attributes related to these users change

  • function prototype:
void Function(List<ZegoUIKitUser> users)? onCountOrPropertyChanged
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      user: ZegoLiveAudioRoomUserEvents(
          onCountOrPropertyChanged: (users) {


events about room


This callback is triggered when room state changed, you can get the current call room entry status by using the state.reason.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitRoomState)? onStateChanged;

class ZegoUIKitRoomState {
 ///  Room state change reason.
 ZegoRoomStateChangedReason reason;

 /// Error code, please refer to the error codes document for >details.
 int errorCode;

 /// Extended Information with state updates. When the room login is successful, the key >"room_session_id" can be used to obtain the unique RoomSessionID of each audio and video communication, >which identifies the continuous communication from the first user in the room to the end of the audio and >video communication. It can be used in scenarios such as call quality scoring and call problem diagnosis.
 Map<String, dynamic> extendedData;

/// Room state change reason.
enum ZegoRoomStateChangedReason {
 /// Logging in to the room. When calling [loginRoom] to log in to the room or [switchRoom] to switch to >the target room, it will enter this state, indicating that it is requesting to connect to the server. The >application interface is usually displayed through this state.

 /// Log in to the room successfully. When the room is successfully logged in or switched, it will enter >this state, indicating that the login to the room has been successful, and users can normally receive >callback notifications of other users in the room and all stream information additions and deletions.

 /// Failed to log in to the room. When the login or switch room fails, it will enter this state, >indicating that the login or switch room has failed, for example, AppID or Token is incorrect, etc.

 /// The room connection is temporarily interrupted. If the interruption occurs due to poor network >quality, the SDK will retry internally.

 /// The room is successfully reconnected. If there is an interruption due to poor network quality, the >SDK will retry internally, and enter this state after successful reconnection.

 /// The room fails to reconnect. If there is an interruption due to poor network quality, the SDK will >retry internally, and enter this state after the reconnection fails.

 /// Kicked out of the room by the server. For example, if you log in to the room with the same user >name in other places, and the local end is kicked out of the room, it will enter this state.

 /// Logout of the room is successful. It is in this state by default before logging into the room. When >calling [logoutRoom] to log out of the room successfully or [switchRoom] to log out of the current room >successfully, it will enter this state.

 /// Failed to log out of the room. Enter this state when calling [logoutRoom] fails to log out of the >room or [switchRoom] fails to log out of the current room internally.
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      user: ZegoLiveAudioRoomRoomEvents(
          onStateChanged: (state) {


events about audio video


This callback is triggered when microphone state changed

  • function prototype:
void Function(bool)? onMicrophoneStateChanged;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      audioVideo: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents(
          onMicrophoneStateChanged: (isOpened) {


This callback is triggered when audio output device changed

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitAudioRoute)? onAudioOutputChanged;
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      audioVideo: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents(
          onAudioOutputChanged: (audioRoute) {


This callback method is called when someone requests to open your microphone, typically when the host wants to open your microphone.

This method requires returning an asynchronous result.

You can display a dialog in this callback to confirm whether to open the microphone.

Alternatively, you can return true without any processing, indicating that when someone requests to open your microphone, it can be directly opened.

By default, this method does nothing and returns false, indicating that others cannot open your microphone.


 // eg:
..onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation =
    (BuildContext context) async {
  const textStyle = TextStyle(
    fontSize: 10,
    color: Colors.white70,

  return await showDialog(
    context: context,
    barrierDismissible: false,
    builder: (BuildContext context) {
      return AlertDialog(
        title: const Text(
          'You have a request to turn on your microphone',
          style: textStyle,
        content: const Text(
          'Do you agree to turn on the microphone?',
          style: textStyle,
        actions: [
            child: const Text('Cancel', style: textStyle),
            onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false),
            child: const Text('OK', style: textStyle),
            onPressed: () {
  • function prototype:
Future<bool> Function(BuildContext context)? onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    audioVideo: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents(
      onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation: (
      ) {



Local message sending callback, This callback method is called when a message is sent successfully or fails to send.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser user)? onClicked
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    memberList: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListEvents(
      onClicked: (ZegoUIKitUser) {



Callback method when the "More" button on the row corresponding to user in the member list is pressed. If you want to perform additional operations when the "More" button on the member list is clicked, such as viewing the profile of user.

Note that when you set this callback, the default behavior of popping up a menu when clicking the "More" button on the member list will be overridden, and you need to handle it yourself. You can refer to the usage of ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomController.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoUIKitUser user)? onMoreButtonPressed
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    memberList: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListEvents(
      onMoreButtonPressed: (ZegoUIKitUser) {




Triggered when has click on the message item

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoInRoomMessage message) onClicked
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    inRoomMessage: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageEvents(
      onClicked: (ZegoInRoomMessage) {



Triggered when a pointer has remained in contact with the message item at the same location for a long period of time.

  • function prototype:
void Function(ZegoInRoomMessage message) onLongPress
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    inRoomMessage: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageEvents(
      onLongPress: (ZegoInRoomMessage) {




Call timing callback function, called every second.

Example: Set to automatically leave after 5 minutes.

..duration.onUpdate = (Duration duration) {
  if (duration.inSeconds >= 5 * 60) {
  • function prototype:
void Function(Duration)? onUpdate
  • example:
  events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
    duration: ZegoLiveAudioRoomDurationEvents(
      onUpdate: (Duration) {



ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom APIs Events Configs Migration_v3.x
Live Audio Room Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a audio chat room. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.