APIs topic


Live Audio Room Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a audio chat room. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.

  • function prototype:
class ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom extends StatefulWidget {
 const ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom({
   Key? key,
   required this.appID,
   required this.appSign,
   required this.userID,
   required this.userName,
   required this.roomID,
   required this.config,
   required this.events,
 }) : super(key: key);

 /// You can create a project and obtain an appID from the [ZEGOCLOUD Admin >Console](https://console.zegocloud.com).
 final int appID;

 /// You can create a project and obtain an appSign from the [ZEGOCLOUD Admin >Console](https://console.zegocloud.com).
 final String appSign;

 /// The ID of the currently logged-in user.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Typically, you would use the ID from your own user system, such as Firebase.
 final String userID;

 /// The name of the currently logged-in user.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Typically, you would use the name from your own user system, such as Firebase.
 final String userName;

 /// The ID of the audio chat room.
 /// This ID serves as a unique identifier for the room, so you need to ensure its uniqueness.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Users who enter the same [roomID] will be logged into the same room to chat or listen to others.
 final String roomID;

 /// Initialize the configuration for the voice chat room.
 final ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig config;

 /// Initialize the event for the voice chat room.
 final ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents events;q



This function is used to end the Live Audio Room.

You can pass the context context for any necessary pop-ups or page transitions. By using the showConfirmation parameter, you can control whether to display a confirmation dialog to confirm ending the Live Audio Room.

This function behaves the same as the close button in the calling interface's top right corner, and it is also affected by the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.onLeaveConfirmation and ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.onEnded settings in the config.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> leave(
  BuildContext context, {
  bool showConfirmation = true,
}) async


hide some user in member list

  • function prototype:
void hideInMemberList(List<String> userIDs)


media series API


volume of current media

  • function prototype:
int get volume


the total progress(millisecond) of current media resources

  • function prototype:
int get totalDuration


current playing progress of current media

  • function prototype:
int get currentProgress


type of current media

  • function prototype:
ZegoUIKitMediaType get type

enum ZegoUIKitMediaType {


volume notifier of current media

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<int> get volumeNotifier


current progress notifier of current media

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<int> get currentProgressNotifier


play state notifier of current media

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<ZegoUIKitMediaPlayState> get playStateNotifier

/// media play state
enum ZegoUIKitMediaPlayState {
  /// Not playing

  /// not start yet

  /// Playing

  /// Pausing 

  /// End of play


type notifier of current media

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<ZegoUIKitMediaType> get typeNotifier

/// media type
enum ZegoUIKitMediaType {


mute state notifier of current media

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> get muteNotifier


info of current media

  • function prototype:
ZegoUIKitMediaInfo get info

/// Media Infomration of media file.
/// Meida information such as video resolution of media file.
class ZegoUIKitMediaInfo {
  /// Video resolution width.
  int width;

  /// Video resolution height.
  int height;

  /// Video frame rate.
  int frameRate;


start play current media

  • function prototype:
Future<ZegoUIKitMediaPlayResult> play({
  required String filePathOrURL,
  bool enableRepeat = false,
}) async

/// media play result
class ZegoUIKitMediaPlayResult {
  int errorCode;
  String message;


stop play current media

  • function prototype:
Future<void> stop() async


destroy current media

  • function prototype:
Future<void> destroy() async


pause current media

  • function prototype:
Future<void> pause() async


resume current media

  • function prototype:
Future<void> resume() async


set the current media playback progress

  • function prototype:
Future<ZegoUIKitMediaSeekToResult> seekTo(int millisecond)

class ZegoUIKitMediaSeekToResult {
  int errorCode;
  String message;


set media player volume. Both the local play volume and the publish volume are set. the range is 0 ~ 100. The default is 30.

  • function prototype:
Future<void> setVolume(int volume) async


mute current media

  • function prototype:
Future<void> muteLocal(bool mute) async


pick pure audio media file

  • function prototype:
Future<List<PlatformFile>> pickPureAudioFile() async


pick video media file

  • function prototype:
Future<List<PlatformFile>> pickVideoFile() async


If you want to specify the allowed formats, you can set them using allowedExtensions. Currently, for video, we support "avi", "flv", "mkv", "mov", "mp4", "mpeg", "webm", "wmv". For audio, we support "aac", "midi", "mp3", "ogg", "wav".

  • function prototype:
Future<List<PlatformFile>> pickFile({
  List<String>? allowedExtensions = const [
    /// video

    /// audio
}) async


media series API

  • function prototype:
/// in-room message
class ZegoInRoomMessage {
 /// If the local message sending fails, then the message ID at this time is unreliable, and is a negative sequential value.
 int messageID;

 /// message sender.
 ZegoUIKitUser user;

 /// message content.
 String message;

 /// message attributes
 Map<String, String> attributes;

 /// The timestamp at which the message was sent.
 /// You can format the timestamp, which is in milliseconds since epoch, using DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp).
 int timestamp;

 var state = ValueNotifier<ZegoInRoomMessageState>(ZegoInRoomMessageState.success);

/// in-room message send state
enum ZegoInRoomMessageState {


sends the chat message, @return Error code, please refer to the error codes document https://docs.zegocloud.com/en/5548.html for details.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> send(String message) async


retrieves a list of chat messages that already exist in the room

return a List of ZegoInRoomMessage objects representing the chat messages that already exist in the room.

  • function prototype:
List<ZegoInRoomMessage> list()


retrieves a list stream of chat messages that already exist in the room.

the stream will dynamically update when new chat messages are received, and you can use a StreamBuilder to listen to it and update the UI in real time.

return a List of ZegoInRoomMessage objects representing the chat messages that already exist in the room.


..foreground = Positioned(
    left: 10,
    bottom: 50,
    child: StreamBuilder<List<ZegoInRoomMessage>>(
      stream: liveController.message.stream(),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        final messages = snapshot.data ?? <ZegoInRoomMessage>[];

        return Container(
          width: 200,
          height: 200,
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.2),
          child: ListView.builder(
            itemCount: messages.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
              final message = messages[index];
              return Text('${message.user.name}: ${message.message}');
  • function prototype:
Stream<List<ZegoInRoomMessage>> stream()


the APIs related to minimizing.


current minimize state

  • function prototype:
ZegoLiveAudioRoomMiniOverlayPageState get state

/// page state of current minimize page
enum ZegoLiveAudioRoomMiniOverlayPageState {


is it currently in the minimized state or not

  • function prototype:
bool get isMinimizing


restore the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom from minimize

  • function prototype:
bool restore(
  BuildContext context, {
  bool rootNavigator = true,
  bool withSafeArea = false,


minimize the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom

  • function prototype:
bool minimize(
  BuildContext context, {
  bool rootNavigator = true,


if audio room ended in minimizing state, not need to navigate, just hide the minimize widget.

  • function prototype:
void hide()



the seat user map of the current live audio room.

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<Map<String, String>>? get userMapNotifier


local user is host or not

  • function prototype:
bool get localIsHost


local user is audience or not

  • function prototype:
bool get localIsAudience


local user is speaker or not

  • function prototype:
bool get localIsSpeaker


local user is co-host or not

co-host have the same permissions as hosts if host is not exist

  • function prototype:
bool get localIsCoHost


local user has host permission or not

co-host have the same permissions as hosts if host is not exist

  • function prototype:
bool get localHasHostPermissions


get user who on the target seat index

  • function prototype:
ZegoUIKitUser? getUserByIndex(int targetIndex)


get the currently empty seat

set includeHostSeats to true if ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatConfig.hostIndexes is included, default does not include

  • function prototype:
List<int> getEmptySeats({bool includeHostSeats = false,})


get seat index of target user

  • function prototype:
int getSeatIndexByUserID(String targetUserID)


Is the current seat muted or not. Set isLocally to true to find out if it is muted locally.

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> muteStateNotifier(
  int targetIndex, {
  bool isLocally = false,


Mute the user at the targetIndex seat locally. After mute, if you want to un-mute, you can set muted to false.

And on side of the user at the targetIndex seat, return true/false in the callback of ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents.onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation to open microphone or not.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> muteLocally({
  int targetIndex = -1,
  bool muted = true,
}) async


Mute the seat by targetUserID locally. After mute, if you want to un-mute, you can set muted to false.

And on side of the user at the targetIndex seat, return true/false in the callback of ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents.onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation to open microphone or not.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> muteLocallyByUserID(
  String targetUserID, {
  bool muted = true,
}) async


APIs of host


Opens (unlocks) the seat. allows you to unlock all seats in the room at once, or only unlock specific seat by targetIndex.

After opening(locks) the seat, all audience members can freely choose an empty seat to join and start chatting with others.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> open({
  int targetIndex = -1,
}) async


Closes (locks) the seat. allows you to lock all seats in the room at once, or only lock specific seat by targetIndex.

After closing(locks) the seat, audience members need to request permission from the host or be invited by the host to occupy the seat.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> close({
  int targetIndex = -1,
}) async 


Removes the speaker with the user ID userID from the seat.

  • function prototype:
Future<void> removeSpeaker(String userID, {bool showDialogConfirm = true,}) async


The host accepts the seat request from the audience with the ID audienceUserID.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> acceptTakingRequest(String audienceUserID) async


The host rejects the seat request from the audience with the ID audienceUserID.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> rejectTakingRequest(String audienceUserID) async


Host invite the audience with id userID to take seat

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> inviteToTake(String userID) async


Mute the user at the targetIndex seat

After mute, if you want to un-mute, you can set muted to true.

And on side of the user at the targetIndex seat, return true/false in the callback of ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents.onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation to open microphone or not.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> mute({
  int targetIndex = -1,
  bool muted = true,
}) async


Mute the user on seat by userID

After mute, if you want to un-mute, you can set muted to true.

And on side of the user at the targetIndex seat, return true/false in the callback of ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioVideoEvents.onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation to open microphone or not.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> muteByUserID(
  String userID, {
  bool muted = true,
}) async


APIs of audience


Assigns the audience to the seat with the specified index, where the index represents the seat number starting from 0.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> take(int index) async


The audience actively requests to occupy a seat.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> applyToTake() async


The audience cancels the request to occupy a seat.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> cancelTakingRequest() async


Accept the seat invitation from the host. The context parameter represents the Flutter context object.

  • function prototype:
 Future<bool> acceptTakingInvitation({
   required BuildContext context,
   bool rootNavigator = false,
 }) async


APIs of speaker


The speaker can use this method to leave the seat. If the showDialog parameter is set to true, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before leaving the seat.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> leave({bool showDialog = true}) async

audio video

APIs related to audio video


microphone series APIs


microphone state of local user

  • function prototype:
bool get localState


microphone state notifier of local user

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> get localStateNotifier


microphone state of userID

  • function prototype:
bool state(String userID)


microphone state notifier of userID

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> stateNotifier(String userID)


turn on/off userID microphone, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void turnOn(bool isOn, {String? userID})


switch userID microphone state, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void switchState({String? userID})


stream of SEI(Supplemental Enhancement Information)

  • function prototype:
Stream<ZegoUIKitReceiveSEIEvent> seiStream()

class ZegoUIKitReceiveSEIEvent {
 final String typeIdentifier;

 final String senderID;
 final Map<String, dynamic> sei;

 final String streamID;
 final ZegoStreamType streamType;


if you want synchronize some other additional information by audio-video, send SEI(Supplemental Enhancement Information) with it.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> sendSEI(
  Map<String, dynamic> seiData, {
  ZegoStreamType streamType = ZegoStreamType.main,




add/update room properties

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> updateProperty({
  required String roomID,
  required String key,
  required String value,
  bool isForce = false,
  bool isDeleteAfterOwnerLeft = false,
  bool isUpdateOwner = false,
}) async

Future<bool> updateProperties({
 required String roomID,
 required Map<String, String> roomProperties,
 bool isForce = false,
 bool isDeleteAfterOwnerLeft = false,
 bool isUpdateOwner = false,
}) async


delete room properties

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> deleteProperties({
  required String roomID,
  required List<String> keys,
  bool isForce = false,
}) async


query room properties

  • function prototype:
Future<Map<String, String>> queryProperties({
  required String roomID,
}) async


room properties stream notify

  • function prototype:
Stream<ZegoSignalingPluginRoomPropertiesUpdatedEvent> propertiesStream()

class ZegoSignalingPluginRoomPropertiesUpdatedEvent {
  final String roomID;
  final Map<String, String> setProperties;
  final Map<String, String> deleteProperties;



send room command

  • function prototype:
 Future<bool> sendCommand({
   required String roomID,
   required Uint8List command,
 }) async


room command stream notify

  • function prototype:
Stream<ZegoSignalingPluginInRoomCommandMessageReceivedEvent> commandReceivedStream()

class ZegoSignalingPluginInRoomCommandMessageReceivedEvent {
  final List<ZegoSignalingPluginInRoomCommandMessage> messages;
  final String roomID;

class ZegoSignalingPluginInRoomCommandMessage {
  /// If you have a string encoded in UTF-8 and want to convert a Uint8List
  /// to that string, you can use the following method:
  /// import 'dart:convert';
  /// import 'dart:typed_data';
  /// String result = utf8.decode(commandMessage.message); // Convert the Uint8List to a string
  final Uint8List message;

  final String senderUserID;
  final int timestamp;
  final int orderKey;


ZegoUIKit APIs Features
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom APIs Events Configs Migration_v3.x
Live Audio Room Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a audio chat room. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.