StringUtility extension

Utility for Strings.



nullIfWhitespace String?

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Returns null if this string is whitespace.
no setter


extractJson([String separator = '']) Map<String, dynamic>?

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Extract and decode json from a string
parseDateTime() DateTime

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

parseViewCount() int?

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Parse view count from a string formatted as an integer and its magnitude. Example: 5 views, 1.5K views, 2.3M views, 3.4B views. If this fails returns null.
stripNonDigits() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Strips out all non digit characters.
substringAfter(String separator) String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

substringUntil(String separator) String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Returns null if this string is a whitespace.
toDuration() Duration?

Available on String, provided by the StringUtility extension

Format: HH:MM:SS