Command.startColorFlow constructor

  1. int? id,
  2. required int count,
  3. required int action,
  4. required String flowExpression,

Command to start a color flow (main light).

  • count - the total number of visible state changes before color flow stops. 0 means infinite loop.
  • action - the action taken after the flow is stopped:
    • 0 device recovers to the state before the color flow started
    • 1 devices stays at the same state whe the flow stopped
    • 2 turn off the device after the flow is stopped flowExpression - the expression of the state changing series. Each state is defined as a 4-tuple [duration, mode, value, brightness]
    • duration - in milliseconds, minimum 50
    • mode - 1: color, 2: color temperature, 7: sleep
    • value - RGB when mode is 1, color temperature when mode is 2, ignored when mode is 7.
    • brightness - brightness value, -1 or 1 ~ 100. Ignored when mode is 7. When this value is -1, brightness in this tuple is ignored.

This command is accepted only if the device is in 'ON' state.


  required int count,
  required int action,
  required String flowExpression,
})  : method = CommandMethods.startCF,
      parameters = <dynamic>[count, action, flowExpression];