CountryTileThemeData class final

A theme extension data class that holds theme data for country/phone code tiles.

This class is specific to tiles that display world country information and extends BaseTileThemeData with a specified type of WorldCountry. It introduces the ability to customize the appearance and interaction of country and/or phone code tiles within the app's theme, including the style of emoji flags displayed.

Usage: To use this theme data, you should provide a builder function capable of rendering a tile given WorldCountry item properties. Additionally, you can specify the family of emoji flags to be used with the tiles.


final countryTileThemeData = CountryTileThemeData(
  emojiFamily: EmojiFamily.twemoji,
  builder: (itemProperties, {isDense}) => MyCountryTile(
    title: itemProperties.item.translations.first.common,
    isDense: isDense,

MyCountryTile is a hypothetical widget that uses the WorldCountry properties to create a UI component representing a country, including an emoji flag based on the specified family.



CountryTileThemeData({EmojiFamily? emojiFamily, Widget builder(ItemProperties<WorldCountry> itemProperties, {bool? isDense})?})
Constructs a CountryTileThemeData with an optional emoji flag family and builder function.


builder → (Widget Function(ItemProperties<WorldCountry> itemProperties, {bool? isDense})?)
A builder function that takes ItemProperties and an optional density flag, and returns a widget for the tile.
emojiFamily EmojiFamily?
The family of emoji flag to be used when rendering country flags in tiles.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
type Object
The extension's type.
no setterinherited


copyWith({Widget builder(ItemProperties<WorldCountry> itemProperties, {bool? isDense})?}) → BaseTileThemeData<WorldCountry>
Creates a copy of this theme extension with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
lerp(covariant ThemeExtension<BaseTileThemeData<WorldCountry>>? other, double t) → BaseTileThemeData<WorldCountry>
Linearly interpolate with another ThemeExtension object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.